Happy Thanksgiving one and all! This year I am celebrating with the Dude and his dudette. They arrived in town on the coldest day of the year and were here to experience a BIG snowfall for the area (roads closed, buses careening down hills, the works). They officially need to come with a Weather Warning sticker (seriously)! Since we are Michiganders and we know snow, we had adventures regardless of the temperatures.
On Sunday, we headed to the markets all bundled up and braving the cold Pacific breezes. We dined on spicy thai to warm ourselves from the inside out (it didn't work) and watched the locals freak out! (so funny). We cozied in and started to make plans for the following day--- we WERE headed to Vancouver! We COULD make it! Well, Mother Nature had other plans..the roads that
were snow covered got icy (ugh) and ice and hills don't mix. By the afternoon though, things appeared to be clearing up (and like I mentioned above-- we're Michiganders, snow doesn't scare us!). So, we packed up and began our out-of-town adevntrue. It took us FOREVER! There were snow covered roads, people sliding all over, and a little white-knuckle driving for me. (The Dude sat in the back and read(!).) About 2 hours into a drive that shoulod normally take 2.5 hours, we were a little over half way and decided to make a pit stop for some luluLemon. (The dudette and I are officially obsessed and decked out!). After 4.5 hours, we FINALLY made it to Vancouver safe and sound. We started a bar crawl but froze and decided to spend a little more time at the hotel. We toured Vancouver on a tour bus (way too cold to be walking around outside!). We saw the sights and the weather played nice (it was sunny!). It was a great time and the day was filled with interesting bus drivers (read: characters).

Being Schulte's, we took the scenic route home. (we have a long history of taking the pretty route home. As a kid this generally feels like the LONG way. Now that we're grown-up, we appreciate the natural beauty. Maybe that makes us old, but we like it!). As we approached the Seattle area, traffic got thick and people were freaking out due to the "terrible" weather. The book store was closing 3 hours early due to weather and road conditions. Um, it WAS the artic, but with a little salt the roads would be fine (the Michigan in me is definately making a comeback.) We opted for a pizza dinner and braved the roads home (they really weren't that bad). When we returned, the house was frozen, but we survived it and cozied in for a bad movie and some laughs (three gronw-ups on a couch fighting over balnkets and footstools).
Yesterday, it was COLD again, but we decided we needed to continue our exploration and adventures. We did an Underground Tour...it was like touring a dirty old Michigan basement with some good history mixed in. The story was cool (I am a sucker and bought the book to learn more.) But cool story or not, it was GA-ROSS down there. I am intrigued by the Red light district history tour, but am not convinced I can do the underground thing again. The tour guide says it is the safest place to be in a Seattle earthquake, the Dude and I DO NOT agree. (Eeeks!).
And that brings us to today--Thanksgiving Day. Cozy and Warm inside, we are cooking for three and thinking of (and talking/texting) those loved ones who are far away today (probably warmer and drier than we are....). Have a great day remembering all the things you are thankful for. I know I will.