Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas is over...

Ah, Christmas! How is that almost as quickly as I got my holiday spirit it is already over?!

We started the day at 5am with a volunteer gig gone awry (too many volunteers, not enough work), then came to the homebase for a day filled with family. We ate more than we should have and loved every morsel. Although we had all agreed on a "light" holiday this year, everyone got and gave a bunch of really thoughtful and super cool gifts! Last year, the gift of the year was a Wii. This year, madre and I got Nooks (hip, hip, hooray!). Otherwise, my favorite gift of the day was this--
Merry Christmas from michigan!

*Check out Lucy the dog lusting after the hat. She stared like that for a very long time.

Found: Holiday Spirit!

Today I found it! Yep, that's right I finally found the Chirstmas spirit two days before Christmas actually happened! This is what put me right over the edge:

"It's a beaut, Clark!"*
Thanks also to the B family for bringing out the long overdue holiday spirit! I miss you already.

*As a Top 10 Holiday movie, you should know this quote from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. The number one holiday movie at my parents' house for ten years running. Elf plays a very close second. Not sure what that says about us...maybe that we're a family that loves t laugh!

Oh, Holiday Travelers....

(should have been posted on 12/19)

Oh holiday you are at my home away from home--the airport. On behalf of the frequent travelers in the world I have complied a small list of the do's and don'ts of airline travel and behavior. If any of this offends you, that means you are a "holiday traveler" and I am sorry but you really need to change your ways....

1. The TSA and all airlines only allow 1 carry-on suitcase and 1 personal item. That has been the rule for more than 5 years. Now pay attention---a carry-on suitcase must fit into the overhead space if you want to avoid those pesky baggage fees. And please note that those bins should be able to fit 3 (yes, 3) suitcases and still be able to close. If they can't, then your bag is too big. Suck it up and pay the fee--your fellow passengers and the flight crew will thank you, I am sure! A personal item should fit below the seat in front of you. This means your heavy coat, too. I know the floor coud be dirty, well then put the coat in your lap.

2. Now since you are all avoiding the baggage fee and bringing above-mentioned carry-on bags, please put your suitcase away and move into your row. If someone is already seated, be polite and let them get OUT of their seat before you shove you, your 15 bags, and your kids into the row with you. And then stay seated. There are over 300 people who need to access their seats and get situated before the flight can leave the gate area.

3. Let's revisit the armrest rules---you get one. Yes, that's right, you only get ONE armrest per seat and it goes like this: The window seat gets the armrest nearest the window, the middle gets the armrest closest to the window seat and the aisle gets the armrest on the right of the middle-seater. Sometimes this can change, but not really. The aisle seated person has to deal with carts and bathroom goers, so they cannot hang out in the aisle as much as they would like to.

4. If you feel the need to remove your shoes, please do so in your own space. Do not put your shoeless feet in your neighbors section of the under seat space. It's just kind of gross, let's be honest.

5. Once you have gotten through the entire flight and have arrived at the gate, please remain seated until the row in front of you has gotten up. I assure you there is no where else for you to go!

6. At the baggage pick-up, please wait patiently and be aware of others. Although halfof the plane carried their luggage on, there are still over 100 people who need to get a bag and there is no rhyme ot reason for bag delivery. Patience is a virtue...

Follow these simple rules and you will have happy travelers.

Many Thanks-


Bah! humbug!

(should have been posted on 12/18)

My! My! Yes, it has been a tremendously long absense since my last blog post. And let's be honest, the last one was a little lame and lacked that holiday spirit that all things in December should be filled with! I mean, I didn't even acknowlegde the fact that it was the day after St. Nicholas Day. sad. Basically, that lack of mention kind of sums up my lack of holiday spirit this year. Now, normally, I am filled (Obnoxiously so) with the holiday spirit. I am that person who hums Christmas carols under my breath (albeit, the lame ones, but still), bakes yummy treats for those nearby, and gets so pumped to buy presents that I can go very overboard. But sadly, not this year. I can't figure it out. I even hosted a holiday cookie exchange and helped a friend trim her very first artificial tree to surprise her two year old. If I couldn't find holiday joy in that, what else is there?

At this late juncture, I find this lack of spirit somewhat frustrating. I am annoyed with myself for missing that twinkle. I head to Michigan and will be the fam, so I hope that I am just a late-bloomer with the holiday this year....otherwise, I will officially get the LAME award for the 2010 holiday season and I don't want that!

Here's hoping one moment soon that little twinkle and holiday sparkle will appear

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Ugh, waiting! That seems to be my theme these last few weeks (maybe years). I feel like I am in a constant holding pattern, waiting for the next thing, the next step, the next directive. And I am done with it!

I want to get this stuff done and over with! I want to move forward and make things happen. I want to go "onward and upward" (a major theme in my company). "Let's go!" is what I say. "Consequences be damned, let's get this stuff done!" (Well, really I don't say that, but I really want to!)

And with that I am going to go walk in the dark rain (because yes, it is 4:45pm and black outside (sigh.)), so I can actually accomplish something!

(ps- the artwork was stolen from google images. I have no idea where the statue actually is but it totally fits my mood. Can't you feel how annoyed they are that they are waiting?)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Different Adventures

well, my dear readers, it's been a bit. It's not that life has been without it's adventures, believe me. It's that life has thrown some different adventures into the mix. Let me explain...
Last week, it was made public that my department was going to go through some significant change. That change meant laying off 5 people I have worked with and worked beside for more than 5 years. Another whole department went through a different change- everyone was out and a few new positions were created and people had to reapply. I am not sure which is more difficult- to outright be told of a new position or to choose to make that change. I guess, we all really had a choice- to be part of the change or not. It was our call. Either way, the people without jobs are left to face some very serious choices and challenges. I am not blind to that and my heart goes out to each of them. I hope that through the unexpected change in their lives, they are able to find the happiness they each desire.
For my part, I am excited about what this change means for me. I will be taking on new and different challenges at work and letting go of much of the things about my old position that I found frustrating. I am not naive enough to think there will not be fristrations, but I am hopeful that the good will outweigh the bad. I am also confident there will still be laughter and good times with the people I work with- and really, that makes all the difference.
I am looking forward to this new adventure.