As I continue to spend time on the surface of the sun...er, I mean in Phoenix, I have made the decision that the Mexicans got it right. We should close up shop, hide under our sombreros and take a siesta in the mid-to-late afternoon.
It is too damn hot outside.
For real.
I had to do a walking tour of my campsite this morning and at 10am it was already a scorching 107 degrees outside. As we walked the contact was literally melting in front of my eyes and my arm pits started to resemble something out of a high school gym class. I mean, GROSS.
Any concept of a "dry heat" flies out the window after it reaches 110 degrees. And on top of that, August is the peak of monsoon season which brings in moisture. It's not Florida moisture, but it's muggy outside. Again, GROSS. 

I am ready for my siesta.