Since I became aware of the tragic events of last Friday, I have not stopped thinking of the families and community directly affected by the actions of one person. I have also not stopped thinking about the parents I know and their wee ones. I can't even begin to imagine losing a child, and even worse losing them in such a tragic way. Tears come to my eyes each and every time.
I am not a crier over the news or sad events I see on television. I am usually so removed from the situation that I can only express saddness for the loss that others had to endure. My heart aches for them, but no immediate emotion or reflection (aside from gratefulness) comes to me. This incicdent is different and I think it's because I can put myself in the scenario.
On Friday, I played 'soccer mom' to my munchkins and it involved a school pick up. Thinking about C and her little friends in that horrific situaion makes my heart speed up and my breath come a little faster. I cannot imagine how scared those children must have been. And then I think of the teachers. The first grade teacher who decided to hide the children in the closet and protect them by lying, the one who hid in the closet and told each of the kids hiding with her that they were loved. And that makes me think of my mom (and her good pals). I finally talked with her last night and she said she and my dad have talked about this a lot and discussed what she would have done. She says she doesn't know, but I do. She would have protected those children even if it meant giving her own life. And I know that every teacher I know would do exactly the same thing.
And that makes me teary and proud all at the same time.
The lives of those families, the community, schools, teachers and probably most parents will be forever affected.
And while people are talking about changing ammendments, I think instead we need to be talking about how to support those in the mindset of the shooter. Yes, control should be had in some capapcity--but if someone wants a gun, they're going to get it. Let's be honest. If a bad person wants something bad enough, no amount of legalities will stop them from getting whatever it is that they need and they are still going to do something bad. And not every person is "treatable" or can choose to be "treatable" (which is sad), but every one of us can choose to be kind, so maybe the switch in someone's head isn't triggered. We can pay attention to folks and acknowledge them, even when we don't want to.
I'm not saying I'm going to start hugging every person I run into on the Metro. (I am saying I need to be kind, not stupid). What I'm saying is that no matter the situation, love wins. Every time.
The world is full of loss, no matter what we do or say. No matter how much we want to control the outcome, unexplainable things happen. Sad things happen. It's part of life. Not the part any of us like, but it's the life. It's the yin to the yang. Without it, we wouldn't see the good.
And in this scenario, as awful and tragic as it is, love is winning.
Yes, there is talk of the shooter and speculation over the why. (We are human and need the why so we can make better sense of things). But mostly what I see are the families of the victims talking about why their children were so special. And families of the teachers talking about the good things they did.
People are sad, yes. And will be. Forever.
But love is winning when we talk about the good those people brought into the lives of others.
So as we embark on a new school day, I hope in the midst of the changes to help protect people, we all remember to let love win and be a part of that change.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Birthday Wishes!
Today is E's birthday.
Today she joins me in being 32. No major milestone, we each passed those a few years ago.
But today is special nonetheless.
I have spoken very highly of her many times on this blog. And love her family like they were mine (well as close as an auntie can get to loving kiddos like her own).
I have made it no secret that she and her family have been the major highlight of this crazy decision to move to DC. And even in the brief moment when I really questioned my decision to take on this job (it's a very long story and not one I have any desire to recap), I was still pleased to have made the decision to move here. And in large part because of the closeness of family.
So, today I wish my cousin, dear friend, and "sister" the happiest of birthdays! I look forward to the next 32 years!
I love you, E!
Today she joins me in being 32. No major milestone, we each passed those a few years ago.
But today is special nonetheless.
I have spoken very highly of her many times on this blog. And love her family like they were mine (well as close as an auntie can get to loving kiddos like her own).
I have made it no secret that she and her family have been the major highlight of this crazy decision to move to DC. And even in the brief moment when I really questioned my decision to take on this job (it's a very long story and not one I have any desire to recap), I was still pleased to have made the decision to move here. And in large part because of the closeness of family.
So, today I wish my cousin, dear friend, and "sister" the happiest of birthdays! I look forward to the next 32 years!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
It's not just me.
So, as life has slowed down a bit, I have started to realize (again) that I need to make some friends here. Now understand, this is not a new thing. Nor does it mean that I don't have people here in DC. It is simply a reflection of what I believe to be a phenomenon of a single adult. You just don't have that person to go anywhere with. Coupled people will not understand this as you have a built in buddy (whether they go with you places or not every time you want to go is TBD, but then you can fill the gaps with a friend-- insert single fun friend here). But when you're home on a Friday night watching a movie with said buddy, the fun, single pal is probably at home, alone, doing the same thing. By no means is this meant to evoke pity! Not at all.
What I'm saying is that sometimes in life, you just need a buddy.
A person who you can count on (9 out of 10 times) to do whatever it is you wanted to do and vice versa.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy time alone. Being home. Out. I'm good being by myself. And I am more than happy to take adventures on my own. But this weekend I missed having a person. A pal.
I went to my first museum this weekend since moving here (don't judge, I've been busy). It was great. I enjoyed learning and totally enjoyed the experience. But I missed having a buddy to say- "hey, look at this!". Or "did you know that?". And then on Sunday, I found myself at the mall looking for a new winter coat (as I have "fatted" out of my favorite one...ugh). While looking, I found two coats and could not decide between the two. I needed a second opinion. I needed a pal.
In Phoenix, I was totally spoiled. My HLP lives there. And she was my go-to gal! To do anything or nothing. It was nice to know there was always someone to do something with.
Then when I got to Seattle, I had some solid built-in buddies (a dear college friend, a really good work friend and then the extras). Not quite the same as the HLP, but filled the void for sure. And then I started classes where I met a bunch of really good like-minded people.
And then I moved.
I have an amazing built-in connection (E and her family). And they include me in all kinds of awesomeness, but I am missing that go-to pal. That person for impromptu fun and nothingness.
And sometimes that makes me feel bad about myself. Like I am a loser with no friends. (I do know this is not true, but sometimes we all have that moment of self doubt.) And this weekend I just had a moment or two of that.
Then this morning, while waiting on hold (45 minutes....), I came across this awesome article on a blog-- Why Is it Hard to make friends after 30?
So, it's not just me. Whew!
Loser moment over for now.
And although the article did make me feel a little better about the situation, it still doesn't mean that I don't need to continue to do things and try to meet people. Even if it's filler friends.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Rock the Vote.
Today is election day.
I feel like this one has been an intense one compared to elections I have been part of in the past. It may be the area of the country in which I live now, or that I am paying more attention or that it really is more intense (and polarizing) than any other in the recent past.
Honestly with all the negative election ads I am just ready for this stuff to be over. Let the cards fall where they may. People have the right and privledge to make the decision they feel is best for them and for the country. Whether each of our votes counts I am still not actually sure (electoral colleges and such being what they are), but I still registaered to vote and went to the polling place this morning.
As I walked over, the streets up to the polling location were lined with signs and people trying to convince me to vote for their beliefs as I walked in the door. First, do you really think someone can be swayed as they walk in the door to the polling place? And second, if I'm on the fence do you really think yelling at me as I walk past you is the way to get me to agree? I don't care what your beliefs are yelling is not the way to evoke change in anything.
I got into the building and proceeded to get into line. I was lucky enough to go at an "off" time so the line was no more than 50 people and seemed to be moving quickly. But I am amazed at the ancient nature of the system. People get into line by last name and wait to be "checked" in. I didn't need any form of ID or my voter card (which shocked me!). I just needed to confirm my mailing address with the very old (and a little blind) volunteer. She gave me a piece of paper and told me to then go to the paper line or the electronic line. At my voting place there was only one electronic machine. I decided to go with what I figured to be the more efficient route and went toward the electronic machine.
As I walked over there, thinking about all the ways the process should be made to be more efficient. I mean, make the best of people's precious time. It's 2012, we can do better. Frankly, I was a little more than annoyed with the voting process until that point--being yelled at, being herded, etc.
Then I sat down to wait my turn to vote using the electronic machine. We lined up (like in elementary school-- thanks, Mrs Burke for teaching me how to stand in line!). A woman walked up and had the hugest grin on her face. Literally she was a little bit like a light bulb. She got her little card and beamed. I smiled back and she just started to gush her story...
She moved here 10 years for a better education. She just gained official citizenship this summer. She has never been given the chance to vote for anything (because she was a girl!).
She was so excited. The yelling, the ancient system--none of it mattered to her because for the first time ever her voice counted. It is something I take for granted (and would guess most other people do too).
In the midst of the crazy and polarization I think the power of a single voice has been lost. It was such a privledge to be present to see this woman vote. I, along with a few others, waited for her to vote and then clapped for her when she was complete. I sort of wish I would have taken her picture.
That woman made me remember that no matter what our beliefs we are so lucky to live in a place where we can voice them-- no matter our color, gender, sexuality-- we all get a say (once we're 18, of course!).
Today, I was very proud to be an American.
I feel like this one has been an intense one compared to elections I have been part of in the past. It may be the area of the country in which I live now, or that I am paying more attention or that it really is more intense (and polarizing) than any other in the recent past.
Honestly with all the negative election ads I am just ready for this stuff to be over. Let the cards fall where they may. People have the right and privledge to make the decision they feel is best for them and for the country. Whether each of our votes counts I am still not actually sure (electoral colleges and such being what they are), but I still registaered to vote and went to the polling place this morning.
As I walked over, the streets up to the polling location were lined with signs and people trying to convince me to vote for their beliefs as I walked in the door. First, do you really think someone can be swayed as they walk in the door to the polling place? And second, if I'm on the fence do you really think yelling at me as I walk past you is the way to get me to agree? I don't care what your beliefs are yelling is not the way to evoke change in anything.
I got into the building and proceeded to get into line. I was lucky enough to go at an "off" time so the line was no more than 50 people and seemed to be moving quickly. But I am amazed at the ancient nature of the system. People get into line by last name and wait to be "checked" in. I didn't need any form of ID or my voter card (which shocked me!). I just needed to confirm my mailing address with the very old (and a little blind) volunteer. She gave me a piece of paper and told me to then go to the paper line or the electronic line. At my voting place there was only one electronic machine. I decided to go with what I figured to be the more efficient route and went toward the electronic machine.
As I walked over there, thinking about all the ways the process should be made to be more efficient. I mean, make the best of people's precious time. It's 2012, we can do better. Frankly, I was a little more than annoyed with the voting process until that point--being yelled at, being herded, etc.
Then I sat down to wait my turn to vote using the electronic machine. We lined up (like in elementary school-- thanks, Mrs Burke for teaching me how to stand in line!). A woman walked up and had the hugest grin on her face. Literally she was a little bit like a light bulb. She got her little card and beamed. I smiled back and she just started to gush her story...
She moved here 10 years for a better education. She just gained official citizenship this summer. She has never been given the chance to vote for anything (because she was a girl!).
She was so excited. The yelling, the ancient system--none of it mattered to her because for the first time ever her voice counted. It is something I take for granted (and would guess most other people do too).
In the midst of the crazy and polarization I think the power of a single voice has been lost. It was such a privledge to be present to see this woman vote. I, along with a few others, waited for her to vote and then clapped for her when she was complete. I sort of wish I would have taken her picture.
That woman made me remember that no matter what our beliefs we are so lucky to live in a place where we can voice them-- no matter our color, gender, sexuality-- we all get a say (once we're 18, of course!).
Today, I was very proud to be an American.
Monday, November 5, 2012
So this means goodbye.
About 5 minutes ago, my Arizona event week reminder popped up onto my computer screen. I was just making some maps and focusing and it rudely interrupted my thought process.
I set those reminders at the beginning of each year, so I know even at a speedy glance that it's that week and had completely forgotten to remove it.
After that reminder popped up, I got lost for a few minutes in memories. This will be the first year since 2004 that I have not been part of the Arizona event. It will be the first year since 2005 that I have not planned the route, sites, and walker experience. I had a hand in helping, but it was definately all done by the new person. And that makes me a little sad and nostalgic. Twice this weekend people have asked me if I have regretted my move to DC. Before I answer this, let me first say, I think this is quite possibly the worst question to ever ask someone. I mean, really? What if instead of my answer of no, I responded with "yes, it was the worst choice I have ever made!". I mean, what then? Seriously? For future reference, if you ever consider asking someone that question, reconsider and ask instead. "are you happy with your decision?". That leaves less room for weird feelings, I swear. And before I move on, the answer to that question is no I do not regret my decision. In fact, I don't regret any decision. I think things through (though it may seem sudden to someone else, but believe me I am not a rash decision maker.). I am happy with my decision. The only thing I really miss are my people. But I miss people all over. And have airline points to get a plane ticket for a visit this winter.
So, now that I've shared my wisdom, let's get back to the topic at hand. The Arizona event (well, sort of). One of the biggest considerations when deciding to move was not only leaving my beloved Seattle, but forgoing free trips to AZ and really, finally having to say goodbye. You see, when I left there I still made it back every few months for work trips. It was such a luxury. But moving to DC meant giving up that market and no longer having the freebie (and regular) trips to see my people there. To be honest it was one of the hardest parts of my decisions.
But here I am in DC and actually starting to live life. Making the best of the people I have here and all the amazing things there are to do. I do stay home on Friday nights sometimes and really need to get out a little more, but I felt that way in Seattle (and in Phoenix, too!). I think it's just part of being a single adult that works from home. I'll get there. Give me two years...
Again, let's get back on track....I may have had too much coffee this morning. Yikes.
So, when that little reminder popped up, a flood of memories came to mind.
The first time I met Gina, Jill and Heather. We had all just started this wacky job where we worked from home and were going to help people raise money and walk 60 miles. The first time I met them we met at Heather's house (a studio apartment) and sat on her floor. Who knew that silly first meeting would be just the start to a lifelong friendship with each one of them. Over the years, we've all left Moved on either to new places or to new jobs but have remained close. I value their friendships so much and am forever grateful for the crazy times that glued us together!
I think of Mattie D and all the crazy trips we went on together. And am reminded of the chats the rest of us had about he and Rachel being just "friends". We always KNEW they'd end up happily ever after!
I think of meeting Molly for the first time. What a night! And all the subsequent chats we've had over the years.
I am reminded of putting Buzz on a bike to caboose an event in 115 degrees. (and it still makes me laugh so hard!).
I think about Green chile cheeseburgers. (who knew something could be so delicious?!)
I think about too many trips to Sedona. So many in fact that I am now completely over that beautiful city (still all these years later).
I think of "date nights" to Oregano's. (And still might crave it a little!)
I think about all the fun people I have met (and still love very much). From my UW peeps to my roommates to the ladies and so many more.
Arizona was a huge and important chapter of my life.
And this is the first time I really, really realized that it's really over. I am not on the event and probably won't be ever again. And while I am embracing all the good things that come with a new place and new people, a little piece of me is very, very sad to say goodbye to a place and time I loved so very much.
I set those reminders at the beginning of each year, so I know even at a speedy glance that it's that week and had completely forgotten to remove it.
After that reminder popped up, I got lost for a few minutes in memories. This will be the first year since 2004 that I have not been part of the Arizona event. It will be the first year since 2005 that I have not planned the route, sites, and walker experience. I had a hand in helping, but it was definately all done by the new person. And that makes me a little sad and nostalgic. Twice this weekend people have asked me if I have regretted my move to DC. Before I answer this, let me first say, I think this is quite possibly the worst question to ever ask someone. I mean, really? What if instead of my answer of no, I responded with "yes, it was the worst choice I have ever made!". I mean, what then? Seriously? For future reference, if you ever consider asking someone that question, reconsider and ask instead. "are you happy with your decision?". That leaves less room for weird feelings, I swear. And before I move on, the answer to that question is no I do not regret my decision. In fact, I don't regret any decision. I think things through (though it may seem sudden to someone else, but believe me I am not a rash decision maker.). I am happy with my decision. The only thing I really miss are my people. But I miss people all over. And have airline points to get a plane ticket for a visit this winter.
So, now that I've shared my wisdom, let's get back to the topic at hand. The Arizona event (well, sort of). One of the biggest considerations when deciding to move was not only leaving my beloved Seattle, but forgoing free trips to AZ and really, finally having to say goodbye. You see, when I left there I still made it back every few months for work trips. It was such a luxury. But moving to DC meant giving up that market and no longer having the freebie (and regular) trips to see my people there. To be honest it was one of the hardest parts of my decisions.
But here I am in DC and actually starting to live life. Making the best of the people I have here and all the amazing things there are to do. I do stay home on Friday nights sometimes and really need to get out a little more, but I felt that way in Seattle (and in Phoenix, too!). I think it's just part of being a single adult that works from home. I'll get there. Give me two years...
Again, let's get back on track....I may have had too much coffee this morning. Yikes.
So, when that little reminder popped up, a flood of memories came to mind.
The first time I met Gina, Jill and Heather. We had all just started this wacky job where we worked from home and were going to help people raise money and walk 60 miles. The first time I met them we met at Heather's house (a studio apartment) and sat on her floor. Who knew that silly first meeting would be just the start to a lifelong friendship with each one of them. Over the years, we've all left Moved on either to new places or to new jobs but have remained close. I value their friendships so much and am forever grateful for the crazy times that glued us together!
I think of Mattie D and all the crazy trips we went on together. And am reminded of the chats the rest of us had about he and Rachel being just "friends". We always KNEW they'd end up happily ever after!
I think of meeting Molly for the first time. What a night! And all the subsequent chats we've had over the years.
I am reminded of putting Buzz on a bike to caboose an event in 115 degrees. (and it still makes me laugh so hard!).
I think about Green chile cheeseburgers. (who knew something could be so delicious?!)
I think about too many trips to Sedona. So many in fact that I am now completely over that beautiful city (still all these years later).
I think of "date nights" to Oregano's. (And still might crave it a little!)
I think about all the fun people I have met (and still love very much). From my UW peeps to my roommates to the ladies and so many more.
Arizona was a huge and important chapter of my life.
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The very first AZ LPT meeting. |
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The ladies at our first rodeo, where I solidified I wanted to be a senorita! |
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The event where was Buzz was on a bike. |
At some random pre-event event. |
on the 3-Day. |
My AZ campsite. |
On event. |
Halloween party. |
The whole AZ LPT. |
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The ladies from the United Way. |
Buddies walking in the arthritis walk with me. :) The Flying Squirrels! |
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At the RFTC. |
And this is the first time I really, really realized that it's really over. I am not on the event and probably won't be ever again. And while I am embracing all the good things that come with a new place and new people, a little piece of me is very, very sad to say goodbye to a place and time I loved so very much.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Deer in headlights?
So, in every science book I've ever read, movie I've seen...there is always mention of the human response to fear being either fight or flight. What happens if you fit into neither category but rather deer in headlights?
Perhaps it's that the instances in which I think I am really fearful subconcisouly I know I am fine so my reaction kind of sucks.
1) A few years ago when I lived with roommates they decided to throw a midnight surprise party(super sweet and fun!) for me in my bedroom (after I had gone to sleep). A super fun idea, but they had concerns that I might attack them instead of celebrating simply because they terrified me. Instead what did I do? I screamed and swore. The girls, of course, laughed. And then we celebrated. But the point was that I didn't fight or flee. I sat straight up and yelled. Yeah, not so helpful in the case of an emergency.
2) This morning. at 5:45am the fire alarm was going off (and damn is it loud!). My reaction was to sit straight up and scream. Then turn on the light and look for smoke. I smelled it, but didn't see it. I turned on every light in the house. And felt then opened every shut door (not that there were many). The alarms went off. I promptly turned off the heat and the smell went away. I have since figured out that it was that gross burnt dust smell that happens when your heat really kicks in for the first time in ages.
But really? Who seriously reacts in that way? Where is the fight ot flight?
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Time suck.
It's November 1. The day after Halloween. We still have four weeks until Thanksgiving. And today at the Target store they had all their holiday stuff out and were placing things strategically. I heard someone say Thanksgiving is the redheaded stepchild of holidays (sorry redheads!). But it's true.
Thanksgiving is the forgotten holiday. Well at least in the realm of retail world. To be honest it sort of annoys me. Historically, I am just finishing up my series of fall events and I am immediately thrust into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. And I feel like this year, it was worse than any other. I have seen sporadic ads here and there for the holiday season. (Though it's a nice break from all the political ads really.) But I still find it annoying. And I know that a few people in my family are very excited for the Christmas music season to begin (usually today).
I am just taking down the Halloween decor and getting ready for Thanksgiving stuff. I have a few turkeys and of course pumpkins. With a slew of visitors coming my way, I feel the need to be extra festive.Not that any of the guests really care one way or the other, but I like it and find it super fun to share in that spirit. More than anything, I am not ready to be Christmas festive, I'm still enjoying fall.
I put my Christmas stuff up before St. Nicholas Day (Dec 6) and it stays up through the New Year. And while I love doing anything in the glow of Christmas lights, all those decorations get a little old so a month is plenty long enough, I say!
All that said, when I got home from my meetings and Target run, I sat back at my desk (not quite finding motivation again to hit the to-do list), so I checked in on some of my fav blogs. And I came across a post about A Colorful Christmas on Oh Joy. At first, my thought was "Really?!" I mean it's November 1. But then out of boredom (or lack of real motivation to tackle a vendor list), I followed her links to the Colorful Christmas ideas....
My annoyance went completely out the window. And now my thoughts have moved past Thanksgiving into the Christmas holiday season. Poor Thanksgiving, really.
But I mean how dreamy is this?
And how adorable is this?
It's very hard not to start dreaming of Christmas things when the above is discussed. Seriously, love.
Now if only I had a million dollars to buy all that cutey stuff!
First things first, I need to get a tree...
Really, it's a good thing I refuse to do any Christmas stuff before the day after Thanksgiving. I can look for sales and think about how to make some of the things...
I have some seriously fun holiday stuff already, but using the above for inspiration I may get a little crafty and creative.
Now, where is that craft box?
Thanksgiving is the forgotten holiday. Well at least in the realm of retail world. To be honest it sort of annoys me. Historically, I am just finishing up my series of fall events and I am immediately thrust into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. And I feel like this year, it was worse than any other. I have seen sporadic ads here and there for the holiday season. (Though it's a nice break from all the political ads really.) But I still find it annoying. And I know that a few people in my family are very excited for the Christmas music season to begin (usually today).
I am just taking down the Halloween decor and getting ready for Thanksgiving stuff. I have a few turkeys and of course pumpkins. With a slew of visitors coming my way, I feel the need to be extra festive.Not that any of the guests really care one way or the other, but I like it and find it super fun to share in that spirit. More than anything, I am not ready to be Christmas festive, I'm still enjoying fall.
I put my Christmas stuff up before St. Nicholas Day (Dec 6) and it stays up through the New Year. And while I love doing anything in the glow of Christmas lights, all those decorations get a little old so a month is plenty long enough, I say!
All that said, when I got home from my meetings and Target run, I sat back at my desk (not quite finding motivation again to hit the to-do list), so I checked in on some of my fav blogs. And I came across a post about A Colorful Christmas on Oh Joy. At first, my thought was "Really?!" I mean it's November 1. But then out of boredom (or lack of real motivation to tackle a vendor list), I followed her links to the Colorful Christmas ideas....
My annoyance went completely out the window. And now my thoughts have moved past Thanksgiving into the Christmas holiday season. Poor Thanksgiving, really.
But I mean how dreamy is this?
And how adorable is this?
It's very hard not to start dreaming of Christmas things when the above is discussed. Seriously, love.
Now if only I had a million dollars to buy all that cutey stuff!
First things first, I need to get a tree...
Really, it's a good thing I refuse to do any Christmas stuff before the day after Thanksgiving. I can look for sales and think about how to make some of the things...
I have some seriously fun holiday stuff already, but using the above for inspiration I may get a little crafty and creative.
Now, where is that craft box?
Happy Halloween!
Yesterday was Halloween. And I now officially live near the "first family of Halloween" (per my Aunt Mugs!). Since the start of October I have had plans to accompany E and the girl's to Cs school costume parade. The hurricane added some bonus time for visits this week, but we still forged ahead with plans as scheduled.
As requested (by C), I dressed up as a "scary witch". I wasn't really scary, but she likes to add a little spice to the mix! (Though I did tell a rather scary story that resulted in C sobbing and not looking at me for 30 minutes...whoops! Know your audience...right?! She's 4.) Anyway, so I bought a fun witch headband (and a hat), some fun dark makeup, and fake eyelashes ( I do love them and would wear them everyday like Oprah if I had a makeup artist). I busted out a long (cozy) black jacket, leggings, and very elaborate earrings. I showed up and C kept staring at me wanting to know why my lips were black and how I did that to my eyes. (Makeup through the eyes of a 4 year old is kind of fun.). So we put a little (and I mean, a little) on her so she could give witchy kisses too! She was a candy-corn witch afterall!
Once Mags was up, we got our costumes totally together and headed to school!
After a fun afternoon playing at C's school with her friends and teachers, we went back home to play (and rest a little) before the big night of trick-or-treating!
(I didn't get any pics of the adorable whole family, but believe me they were cute!)
Mags decided just a tutu was fine--no need for a tiara when you're already a princess, I guess. ;) E was a Momma candycorn, Lou-lou was a bumble bee, Sam was a baby bee, and C was of course a super cutey Candycorn Witch again.
They live in a great neighborhood filled with nice families (and good pals now), so everyone headed out. It actually reminded me of the neighborhood I grew up in. So great!
After 20 minutes or so, the first of the trick-or-treaters returned. Sam needed dinner and Mags was plum tired (and really freaked out by those darn costumes!). As any good trick-or-treater does, she dumped the bucket of candy and surveyed the goods, promptly selecting a good treat!
From there, Lou-lou and I played a fun game of hide Mags from the trick-or-treaters! Every time one arrived she melted down a little more (poor thing!). Finally, it was just time for bed.
The mighty trick-or-treaters returned with a whole basket of delicious goodies and C started to pass out candy. Now, being the super organized girlie she is, she had a whole system. :) And loved the passing out of candy as much as (or maybe more than) getting candy herself. She anxiously awaited by the front door for the kids to arrive...priceless.
It was a great Halloween! And yet another super fun day with my favorite little family. I was so excited to be part of the fun!
Hope everyone had more treats than tricks this Halloween!
As requested (by C), I dressed up as a "scary witch". I wasn't really scary, but she likes to add a little spice to the mix! (Though I did tell a rather scary story that resulted in C sobbing and not looking at me for 30 minutes...whoops! Know your audience...right?! She's 4.) Anyway, so I bought a fun witch headband (and a hat), some fun dark makeup, and fake eyelashes ( I do love them and would wear them everyday like Oprah if I had a makeup artist). I busted out a long (cozy) black jacket, leggings, and very elaborate earrings. I showed up and C kept staring at me wanting to know why my lips were black and how I did that to my eyes. (Makeup through the eyes of a 4 year old is kind of fun.). So we put a little (and I mean, a little) on her so she could give witchy kisses too! She was a candy-corn witch afterall!
Once Mags was up, we got our costumes totally together and headed to school!
The princess |
The candy corn witch |
Having fun in C's classroom! |
(I didn't get any pics of the adorable whole family, but believe me they were cute!)
Mags decided just a tutu was fine--no need for a tiara when you're already a princess, I guess. ;) E was a Momma candycorn, Lou-lou was a bumble bee, Sam was a baby bee, and C was of course a super cutey Candycorn Witch again.
The first house! |
They live in a great neighborhood filled with nice families (and good pals now), so everyone headed out. It actually reminded me of the neighborhood I grew up in. So great!
After 20 minutes or so, the first of the trick-or-treaters returned. Sam needed dinner and Mags was plum tired (and really freaked out by those darn costumes!). As any good trick-or-treater does, she dumped the bucket of candy and surveyed the goods, promptly selecting a good treat!
From there, Lou-lou and I played a fun game of hide Mags from the trick-or-treaters! Every time one arrived she melted down a little more (poor thing!). Finally, it was just time for bed.
The mighty trick-or-treaters returned with a whole basket of delicious goodies and C started to pass out candy. Now, being the super organized girlie she is, she had a whole system. :) And loved the passing out of candy as much as (or maybe more than) getting candy herself. She anxiously awaited by the front door for the kids to arrive...priceless.
It was a great Halloween! And yet another super fun day with my favorite little family. I was so excited to be part of the fun!
Hope everyone had more treats than tricks this Halloween!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
I heart technology.
In the midst of this storm and people knowing (and loving) people on all sides of the world, I have realized the magic of social media and technology. Event without power, people with charged smart phones could still get the news, tweet messages to friends, post pictures of their experience to facebook and generally stay connected. Amazing.
I am not always sure that these outlets are beneficial (I like human interaction), but then something like this comes along and I am again reminded how amazing it is to have access to such technology.
In other news, I have made the realization just how great is for staying connected in a general way with people. Even for those folks that I don't talk with regularly, they (and I) have access to facebook and thus whatever is posted there. It's so fun to see pics of their kids, travels, etc. I just had an interaction with a co-worker today and we toally chatted about the FB pictures and ended up having the best conversation. Would that conversation have happened without the FB trigger? Probably not as immediately. FB took away some of that shielding and opned us up to things more intimate (pictures of life, etc). It was awesome. And what a fun way to start the day!
So, while some days I curse technology (and the troubles that accompany the triumphs of it), today I say- Yay!
I am not always sure that these outlets are beneficial (I like human interaction), but then something like this comes along and I am again reminded how amazing it is to have access to such technology.
In other news, I have made the realization just how great is for staying connected in a general way with people. Even for those folks that I don't talk with regularly, they (and I) have access to facebook and thus whatever is posted there. It's so fun to see pics of their kids, travels, etc. I just had an interaction with a co-worker today and we toally chatted about the FB pictures and ended up having the best conversation. Would that conversation have happened without the FB trigger? Probably not as immediately. FB took away some of that shielding and opned us up to things more intimate (pictures of life, etc). It was awesome. And what a fun way to start the day!
So, while some days I curse technology (and the troubles that accompany the triumphs of it), today I say- Yay!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Snug as a bug
Well, the storm has come and gone.
And I am just fine. As is everyone I know. Thankfully!
As it turns out, DC wasn't hit as hard as everyone thought.
Yesterday I felt like it was a snow day....just waiting in anticipation for the unknown. Before 2pm, I made the choice to head the burbs and wait out the storm with my favorite little family. It's always more fun with friends.
We played games, had a yummy dinner (homemade mac & cheese), and were snug as bugs in a rug. The grown-ups and I have a mutual love of the show The Voice, s after the kidlets were tucked in (with a glow stick, of course!) we settled in downstairs and watched the show (and caught up). And listened as the rain whipped the windows, and the wind howled. We heard one tree snap. And just before the end of the show, we lost power. For the whole night. Lou-lou loves the Dollar store (and things that light up), so we had more glow sticks and mini lanterns than any small group should ever need. So I read my book by the light of a little light and we went to bed.
We woke up this morning and played some more games, then decided we needed to take an adventure drive-- look for fallen trees and craziness. There was a lone road closure. nothing major. But we did discover their new favorite grocery store (a story for another day) and grabbed a coffee (hooray!). By then, I found out the power was back on at my house, so I headed home. I had a few work things to get done (because unlike all the federal offices, my office was still open!) and wanted to make sure my cozy English basement hadn't flooded.
I got home and all was well.
It is coldy here today. In fact, it feels like a winter Seattle day-- cold, rainy, and dark. (It sort of makes my heart happy.) So, It's time to bust out the cozy sweatshirt and my favorite scarf. And of course, my slippers! (I've kind of missed my slippers.)
I may even need the flannel sheets!
But no matter what I will be snug as a bug. (not in a snuggie, but this is the only non-creepy photo I could find to fit that phrase!)
A huge thanks to my favorite family for being such fun Hurricane pals. I can't wait for normal life to resume tomorrow so we can play!
And I am just fine. As is everyone I know. Thankfully!
As it turns out, DC wasn't hit as hard as everyone thought.
Yesterday I felt like it was a snow day....just waiting in anticipation for the unknown. Before 2pm, I made the choice to head the burbs and wait out the storm with my favorite little family. It's always more fun with friends.
We played games, had a yummy dinner (homemade mac & cheese), and were snug as bugs in a rug. The grown-ups and I have a mutual love of the show The Voice, s after the kidlets were tucked in (with a glow stick, of course!) we settled in downstairs and watched the show (and caught up). And listened as the rain whipped the windows, and the wind howled. We heard one tree snap. And just before the end of the show, we lost power. For the whole night. Lou-lou loves the Dollar store (and things that light up), so we had more glow sticks and mini lanterns than any small group should ever need. So I read my book by the light of a little light and we went to bed.
We woke up this morning and played some more games, then decided we needed to take an adventure drive-- look for fallen trees and craziness. There was a lone road closure. nothing major. But we did discover their new favorite grocery store (a story for another day) and grabbed a coffee (hooray!). By then, I found out the power was back on at my house, so I headed home. I had a few work things to get done (because unlike all the federal offices, my office was still open!) and wanted to make sure my cozy English basement hadn't flooded.
I got home and all was well.
It is coldy here today. In fact, it feels like a winter Seattle day-- cold, rainy, and dark. (It sort of makes my heart happy.) So, It's time to bust out the cozy sweatshirt and my favorite scarf. And of course, my slippers! (I've kind of missed my slippers.)
I may even need the flannel sheets!
But no matter what I will be snug as a bug. (not in a snuggie, but this is the only non-creepy photo I could find to fit that phrase!)
A huge thanks to my favorite family for being such fun Hurricane pals. I can't wait for normal life to resume tomorrow so we can play!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Hurricanes and snowstorms--oh my!
Well, here I am in a new city and already I'm experiencing a new weather phenonenon. A Hurricane!
In all the places I've lived, I've never worried about such things. I've been in haboobs, extreme heat, below zero temps, floods, earthquakes (well only a minor one), tornadoes, and then just your run of the mill weather patterns. But never a hurricane. And really, it's not so much a direct hit from the hurricane (i'm not fancy nough to live near the water) but rather the after-effects. The wind and the slow, steady, driving rains.
Based on the media predictions, I should be headed for higher ground! Or rather drier ground.
The concerns are over loss of power for many days. And maybe for some flooding.
Maybe it's the midwesterner in me, but I'm not super worried. I am prepared and ready for what may come, but I'm no where near panicky. Not even close.
I had a small moment of worry when my mama sent a text yesterday that stated "papa says come home". That made me feel like I needed to worry. (It wasn't totally true as it turns out...silly mama!) Otherwise, I made sure to have a flashlight (I got the last one at the store...), candles, a lighter and warm clothes. I also stocked up on some food to make without the use of a stove and fresh water. I made sure to have a fully gased car and grabbed some cash yesterday. I feel as ready as I can be.
I also made sure I had a few good books and magazines for if the power goes out and I need entertainment.
I am sure there are others who will disagree about my preparedness, but I feel okay about it.
And we'll see what happens.
In all the places I've lived, I've never worried about such things. I've been in haboobs, extreme heat, below zero temps, floods, earthquakes (well only a minor one), tornadoes, and then just your run of the mill weather patterns. But never a hurricane. And really, it's not so much a direct hit from the hurricane (i'm not fancy nough to live near the water) but rather the after-effects. The wind and the slow, steady, driving rains.
Based on the media predictions, I should be headed for higher ground! Or rather drier ground.
The concerns are over loss of power for many days. And maybe for some flooding.
Maybe it's the midwesterner in me, but I'm not super worried. I am prepared and ready for what may come, but I'm no where near panicky. Not even close.
I had a small moment of worry when my mama sent a text yesterday that stated "papa says come home". That made me feel like I needed to worry. (It wasn't totally true as it turns out...silly mama!) Otherwise, I made sure to have a flashlight (I got the last one at the store...), candles, a lighter and warm clothes. I also stocked up on some food to make without the use of a stove and fresh water. I made sure to have a fully gased car and grabbed some cash yesterday. I feel as ready as I can be.
I also made sure I had a few good books and magazines for if the power goes out and I need entertainment.
I am sure there are others who will disagree about my preparedness, but I feel okay about it.
And we'll see what happens.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Adventures with Flat Sanley
Last week, my friend Chase (from Phoenix) sent me Flat Stanley to take on a tour around my town. He and his mom thought I might be able to show Stanley some of the super cool things that are part of DC.
Well, unlike when in the midst of planning, I have not made it to the downtown area much this week. And I figured trips to the oil change place, grocery store, and pharmacy are not exactly what they had in mind when they sent Stanley to me.
So today I decided to take Stanley down to the National Mall to have a little fun.
Here are some pictures from our day--
After a fun-filled morning and early afternon walking around the National Mall, Flat Stanley came with me to see the Bedollas and their very good friends (the Weavers and their family). Katie is an extraordinary planner and had a whole Halloween party planned at her sister's house, including indoor trick-or-treating!
It was so much fun to take Stanley around!
I am looking forward to the day when the real guests come for a tour...
Well, unlike when in the midst of planning, I have not made it to the downtown area much this week. And I figured trips to the oil change place, grocery store, and pharmacy are not exactly what they had in mind when they sent Stanley to me.
So today I decided to take Stanley down to the National Mall to have a little fun.
Here are some pictures from our day--
FS arrived! |
FS deciding whether he needed a coat or not... |
I heart DC. |
FS and a real army guy! |
FS @ The World War II Memorial |
View from the Lincoln Memorial back to the Washington Monument |
View looking back to the Lincoln memorial from the WWII Memorial (across the reflecting pool) |
Fans of FS! :) |
@ The Korea War Memorial |
@ the Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial |
Looking across the Tidal Basin @ the Jefferson Memorial |
FS and the segway tour group! |
FS was a little sad to say goodbye to the President. ;) |
After a fun-filled morning and early afternon walking around the National Mall, Flat Stanley came with me to see the Bedollas and their very good friends (the Weavers and their family). Katie is an extraordinary planner and had a whole Halloween party planned at her sister's house, including indoor trick-or-treating!
Evie the owl, Christine the candy-corn witch, and Maggie wearing my witches headband! (with FS) |
Cute buns! I couldn't resist! |
FS @ the party! |
I am looking forward to the day when the real guests come for a tour...
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Chubby bunny.
So in the last few months (well, two), anytime I look in the mirror I see an added roundness to my features. My face, especially. But my clothes are fitting a little differently too (read: snugger). I attributed it to the upped dosage of prednisone. It has a tendency to "round" me out a little bit. Just one of the lovely side effects.
Since I can now breathe and live instead of simply existing, I decided I should really check out the deal and got out the scale. UM, YEAH.....
I gained 10 lbs in two months! Really?!
SO not cool.
A few years ago a friend referred to me as the incredible skrinking woman because I just inexplicibly lost a whole bunch of weight (it was weird, but amazing at the same time!). The doctors had some concerns because it was coming off pretty quickly really for NO reason. I hadnt changed up a thing and was frankly eating less healthfully than I ever had before, but there it was on the scale every few weeks-- down another 5 lbs. Then it seemed to regulate itself and stayed in the range for a few years. Slowly it has creeped up a little, but I had braces (which made eating annoying), so it stayed the same. And then apparently, the reverse has now happened. No real changes to my diet, but here I am way heavier than I'd like to be (and should be.). Ugh. Though it probably wasn't healthy, I am secretly wishful to become the incredible shrinking woman again....
Obviously, that is not going to happen. So with my newly found freetime, I will be cooking at home, not eating junk and moving more. I absolutely refuse to buy new clothes and currently I have a very limited selection based on the tighness factor. (Thumbs down.)
No more chubby bunnies around this place!
Since I can now breathe and live instead of simply existing, I decided I should really check out the deal and got out the scale. UM, YEAH.....
I gained 10 lbs in two months! Really?!
SO not cool.
A few years ago a friend referred to me as the incredible skrinking woman because I just inexplicibly lost a whole bunch of weight (it was weird, but amazing at the same time!). The doctors had some concerns because it was coming off pretty quickly really for NO reason. I hadnt changed up a thing and was frankly eating less healthfully than I ever had before, but there it was on the scale every few weeks-- down another 5 lbs. Then it seemed to regulate itself and stayed in the range for a few years. Slowly it has creeped up a little, but I had braces (which made eating annoying), so it stayed the same. And then apparently, the reverse has now happened. No real changes to my diet, but here I am way heavier than I'd like to be (and should be.). Ugh. Though it probably wasn't healthy, I am secretly wishful to become the incredible shrinking woman again....
Obviously, that is not going to happen. So with my newly found freetime, I will be cooking at home, not eating junk and moving more. I absolutely refuse to buy new clothes and currently I have a very limited selection based on the tighness factor. (Thumbs down.)
No more chubby bunnies around this place!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Heart Walk!
On Saturday I participated in my first ever Heart Walk. So fun to be at a walk and know that I was not in charge in any way. Delightful. I also scouted out some options for another event I am responsible comes with the territory of my job. I am always noticing things that could have been done better, things that were done well, etc.
The Heart Walk is a special event for my family. Following my Aunt Chris's death, her daughter (my cousin E) started to walk in her memory. I can't remember the details, but I want to say she was the top fundraiser for a few years in a row at the walk in GR. Now, it's a tradition. Her dad formed a team in Michigan two weeks ago and was also the top fundraiser! Sadly, it poured rain there so his team ended up being just he and his visitor from China (everyone else bailed the morning of...). But the weather in Baltimore was picture perfect. As Mags pointed out-- there's no clouds! beautiful day for a walk.
So, we arrived on time and checked things out, fed the ducks, Baby Sam had a snack, and we found E's pal and her kiddos and off we went.
We're not 100% sure how far we went but we know that we did not walk the full event. (In part I blame the human arrows. They were an epic failure....sorority girls may not make the best vols on a saturday morning...I'm just saying...). We rounded the bend and Mags hit her limit. So, we ended a little early and went to play at the fall festival!
Highlights included pony rides, Rita's custard, a hay maze and the Kaisa's Penelope fav from Seattle-- Casper babypants! So funny. I actually started singing along with the song and could not figure out why I knew the kids song. Seriously funny.
Overall, we had a great day! And I was so very glad I could be there. We raised lots of money (thank you!), and had a wonderful afternoon living life. We have plans to make themed t-shirts. I'm already excited!
The Heart Walk is a special event for my family. Following my Aunt Chris's death, her daughter (my cousin E) started to walk in her memory. I can't remember the details, but I want to say she was the top fundraiser for a few years in a row at the walk in GR. Now, it's a tradition. Her dad formed a team in Michigan two weeks ago and was also the top fundraiser! Sadly, it poured rain there so his team ended up being just he and his visitor from China (everyone else bailed the morning of...). But the weather in Baltimore was picture perfect. As Mags pointed out-- there's no clouds! beautiful day for a walk.
So, we arrived on time and checked things out, fed the ducks, Baby Sam had a snack, and we found E's pal and her kiddos and off we went.
We're not 100% sure how far we went but we know that we did not walk the full event. (In part I blame the human arrows. They were an epic failure....sorority girls may not make the best vols on a saturday morning...I'm just saying...). We rounded the bend and Mags hit her limit. So, we ended a little early and went to play at the fall festival!
Highlights included pony rides, Rita's custard, a hay maze and the Kaisa's Penelope fav from Seattle-- Casper babypants! So funny. I actually started singing along with the song and could not figure out why I knew the kids song. Seriously funny.
Fun on Friday night. |
Christine and her new buddy. |
The Finish Line- we saw it. ;) |
Christine on her pony! |
Maggie's first pony ride! |
Watching the ducks. |
Oh! And I met 'Mitt Romney'. Papa was pleased. ;) |
Overall, we had a great day! And I was so very glad I could be there. We raised lots of money (thank you!), and had a wonderful afternoon living life. We have plans to make themed t-shirts. I'm already excited!
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