With the start of the New year and the new decade, I have taken a bit of time to reflect.
Every year, every decade brings so much change, growth, and goodness. But looking back over the last ten years, I am humbled by the life I have been gifted to live. SO MUCH GOODNESS! I mean, don't get me wrong, there were some bad days, but overall the big stuff was SO GOOD.
In 2010, I turned 30. I made the decision to relocate my life to the PNW - Seattle, specifically. What an adventure! While I was only there a few years, it is a time that I will always treasure. It was magic for me. For every reason and for no reason at all. When I look back on that time, all I think is a deep breath. I reconnected to things I love and discovered little things I didn't know I loved. I genuinely thought I would live there forever; that I would plant roots there. But life had other plans!
After just over two years in Seattle, I relocated to Washington, DC for what I thought was a good career move and to be close to some of loves of my life. My time there taught me about myself. I learned how tough I can be and what I can handle. I learned so much while working there. I was also gifted with time to spend with some of my beloveds. The kind of every day time that just cements people in your heart. While I wasn't as enchanted with the east coast as I was with the PNW, I didn't foresee the changes to come. In an unexpected turn, I found myself "homeless" for a little bit and relocating back to the Midwest (where I started). The "homeless" few months were some of the best! I was graciously invited to live with , of a few families and I LOVED it! I loved being part of the every day, of the little moments. It was such a wonderful way to transition to the next place. 6 years later, it is still such a treasured time in my life.
And then came Chicago. Oh, how I love this city and this place in my life.
Since coming here, I have had a number of jobs and a number of life lessons. I started out on my own, but met my person along the way. I met him because I was finally settled. I was confident in me and was then ready to be a 'we'. Just before meeting him, there were a few MAJOR things in my life-- we almost lost my dad and I got fired. The dad thing obviously trumps the other, but both were major things in my life path. But both resulted in good things.
Along with more learning about myself - both personally and professionally, being in Chicago has allowed me to be nearer to home and all that entails. I was able to meet two of my munchkins within a day of their arrivals. I made it home to say goodbye to my aunt and later to my grandma.
And, of course, there's my person. Frank. We met a year after I arrived here (a few months after he did) and within two dates, I knew he was meant to be in my life for the rest of my life. I had loved before but never like this. He's not always easy (who is?), but we both choose each other every day. In 2017, after being committed to one another for 3 years, we got married. It was my favorite day. We chose to marry at a brewery, and my uncle presided. Some of my very favorite humans stood next to me, others in seats nearby. Two years later, writing about it, still brings happy tears to my eyes. And two years later, I still choose him everyday. And I look forward to the next decades spent living with him alongside me. Some adventures will be his choosing (breweries!), some will be mine. But they'll be ours and will sure to be a whole lot of fun.
Other notables of the decade:
I learned to be a caregiver. In 2017, we moved Frank's elderly mom in with us. It had been a conversation about it happening in the future, but it came to be after a visit where we realized she could not be on her own. She lived with us for two full years. During which time, I was her primary caregiver. It was not always easy, but I was glad to be able to ensure she was safe (mostly happy) and cared for. We knew keeping her in our home was not going to be a long term solution and found a happy place near us where she could be cared for, have community and continue to be healthy. My life is no longer controlled by her schedule, but she enters my mind every day and I make sure to pop in every week. My Spanish is not as polished as it was, but we do okay. And I can make sure she is still doing okay and that she has everything she needs.
The other major notable. I am now a dog person. I always liked dogs, and thought "someday", but my person came with two lovable pups. Ellie became mine first and then Buck thereafter. Before Buck got too old, we (rather, I) chose Walter. I am not sure when it happened, but I became the primary for all dog related things and I wouldn't want it any other way. I am in love with (maybe obsessed with) those nutter butters. And the day we had to put Buck down, was maybe one of the saddest of my life. While Frank had loved him his whole life, the years I had with him were a big deal. Becoming his person, his safe place, was one of the treasures of my life. Ellie and Walter (and Buck when he was alive) bring such joy to my life. They add silliness and comfort. While we'd be a family without them, I feel like they complete us. They bring so much love and so much laughter.
In recapping this decade, I am certain I have forgotten to mention a whole bunch of amazing and notable things. And if I really took more time, I could write pages upon pages. Of that I am 100% certain because as I close it up, I have thought of easily a million more incredible things.
I am excited for the next decade and for what's to come. With all the loves of my life along for the ride, I am certain that it will be as amazing as the last. I will turn 40!
Cheers to what's to come!