Friday, August 23, 2013

Maybe Frank Sinatra was right...

When he crooned, "Chicago is my kind of town".
I guess I will see in another few weeks, if it's true for me.

The other day, I made the difficult choice to leave a job I have loved for ten years. The new opportunity is really the direction I want to go, but to say goodbye to what I've know and what's comfortable-- not always easy, but I can predict outcomes and to move on to the unknown is terrifying, exciting, and so many other things.

I have so much more to say, but will only hope I feel like Frank when it comes to city that I will soon call home---
Now this could only happen to a guy (gal) like me 
And only happen in a town like this 
So may I say to each of you most gratef'lly 
As I throw each one of you a kiss 

This is my kind of town, Chicago is 
My kind of town, Chicago is 
My kind of people, too 
People who smile at you 

And each time I roam, Chicago is 
Calling me home, Chicago is 
Why I just grin like a clown 
It's my kind of town

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