Well, I am already a few days behind. Shocker!
By this time I am already in Chicago. I have endured some drama, some rama, and of course, some fun! Here is a brief synopsis of the last week....
What trip would be complete without a trip (or many) to Kinkos? Each city I venture to includes at least two trips to a Kinko's location. And no trip to a Kinkos* is complete without some form of entertainment. This trip was no different.

As I was waiting for the line to die down (I mean two people is a lot to handle), I was directly behind a real-life "Glamour don't". For those of you who do not know what that means, take an adventure to your local drug store and pick up a copy of Glamour magazine. Not only will you find helpful tips on your next season's fashions, women's issues, but you will find the famous (and funny) Glamour don'ts page. Let's just say--no one should be on that page! Eeks!
I snuck this photo by pretending to check email. :) Enjoy!
Of course, one trip to Kinko's in a day is clearly not enough. Buzz-buzz and I ventured back. But in the meantime, we spent some time with a few of the "favorites".
We ate too much, laughed a lot, and enjoyed a little time in downtown Cleveland.

Day One began with a great start.

From there, some drama ensued but the event went on. The Command Queen and I decided that we needed a little more fun and a little less drama. Our weather gnome* (Bernard) is currently vacationing in Vegas so some of our friends gathered some of his friends to join us in Command. Meet Oscar and Franklin---
Here's to a season without weather and much incident! Until we meet again...
(*Sidenote: Kinkos is now officially called FedEx Office, but for me it just doesn't have the same ring so I call it Kinkos!.)
(*A weather gnome is a little something we discovered last year to help keep an eye on the approaching weather and keep it at bay.)
Thanks for the fashion alert. I am happy to know your stay in Cleveland was entertaining and fun. See you down the road.