Although it is already October 14 (seriously where has the time gone?!), I am just now realizing it is fall. Today I walked outside to grab the paper and the brisk air awakened me instantly. I could smell fall. I love that smell. The crispness of the air with just a little warmth to it. It smells spicy, doesn't it? And then you look up to see green and red and yellow leaves all mixed together to create a bouquet like no other. Even summer flowers in all their glory can't beat the vision of trees "on fire"! Then, add in the amazing things that come with the turn of fall--the Pumpkin Spice Latte (yummy!), pumpkins with their jolly orange shade, cozy moments at night mixed with warm sun during the day, the sound of leaves under your feet as you walk (crunch, crunch...delightful). It's all so great!
Today I will celebrate fall with an apple crisp (made from WA apples), and squash (also local), then cuddle up under a blanket with a good book and enjoy that the tip of my nose is just a little cold. After 6 years, I am in a place where there are seasons. (Hip! Hip! Hooray!) Here's to seasons!
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