Monday, January 31, 2011
An Apple a Day...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Molly's I Believe list

Friday, January 21, 2011
One Year.

Monday, January 17, 2011
My Mama's List

in family ... Ferd, Jessica, Alex, Jenny, my parents, sister, and in-laws (love them all!)
in my God, his Son and Holy Spirit
in the happiness Abby brings me...silly ole' dog
in friendships ... from yesterday, today and in my future
in the miracle of children learning to read, write and understand basic math
in the beauty of gardens ... mine and others
in taking time for reading for pleasure and for learning
in spending $ on quality make-up and shoes
in playing outside in all seasons
in a clean house
in honesty
in loyalty
in hope
in being on a perpetual diet
in eating your favorite foods
in drinking red wine ... almost daily
in laughter daily ... at myself and those who are funny when I am not
in knowing I have always tried my best at everything I have done
I believe I am the richest woman alive, because I am married to Ferd.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Erica's I Believe list
Thanks so much for playing, Erica! As always you make my life richer just for being a part of it.

I believe that ice cream makes everything better!
I believe that people give up too easily on their marriages.
I believe that becoming a mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me and losing my mom is the worst.
I believe that nursing my children is the most selfless thing I have ever done.
I believe that I will never stray far from the Catholic church because it is where I feel closest to my mom.
I believe that sometimes I take life too seriously and I'm grateful that my husband doesn't...it creates balance in our little world.
I believe that receiving real mail is one of the happiest events of the day.
I believe that no one should have to wake up before 7 am!
I believe that the greatest problems we face in America are directly related to a lack of quality parenting.
I believe in Christmas music 24-7 from Thanksgiving through New Years.
I believe that it is necessary to check email and facebook multiple times a day.
I believe that playing with my girls is more important than keeping up with chores.
I believe in lifelong friendships.
I believe that you can find love in unexpected places and people.
I believe that every woman should live alone at some point in her life...just to know she can do it!I believe in dressing up for Halloween even as an adult.
I believe in always having a camera on hand to capture all of the little moments.
I believe that life is all about CHOICES!
I believe that exeriencing natural childbirth did not need to be on my life list!
I believe that one day my girls will be best friends.
I believe that fall is the best time of the year.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I believe that it's hard not to judge a book by its cover.
I believe in forgiveness and second chances.
I believe that being a stay-at-home is my dream job.
I believe that you shouldn't borrow tomorrow's troubles...easier said than done.
I believe that sometimes you have to let go of expectations in order to not be dissapointed.
I believe that the day my husband completes his masters degree will be one of the happiest days of our lives!
I believe in structure, routines, and following the rules...boring, I know!
I believe in the love and support that my friends and family show me on a daily basis!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Meghan's I Believe List

I believe that there are few things worth getting wrinkles over.
I believe in my Nana
I believe that a man needs to earn it and by “it” I mean trust, my love and all that goes with it
I believe wineries are magical places
I believe that all my friends are talented and amazing
I believe in singlemoons
I believe that goat cheese stuffed sweet peppers from Pastoral Cheese Shop can make any day better
I believe in singing really loud on car trips
I believe in being interesting and knowing a little bit about a lot of stuff
I believe it is ok to not be a fan of pets J
I believe your reputation is one of the only things that is truly yours and you should protect it as best you can.
I believe holding a sleeping newborn is one of the times when all seems right in the world
I believe knowing what you don’t want is just as important as knowing what you do want
I believe you choose to be happy and it is a choice you make every day you wake up
I believe time is way more important then money
I believe in naps, especially on rainy days and they are usually better with someone then alone but not always
I believe in “getting the butterflies” and that they are important
I believe in wearing a seatbelt, sunscreen and comfortable shoes whenever possible
I believe in mental health days
I believe in learning something new everyday
I believe wearing sassy underwear with a matching and equally sassy bra under your suit in a job interview makes all the difference. They don’t know you have it on but you do and it gives you super powers for some reason!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
My I Believe list

I believe in magic
I believe in the power of a good cup of coffee
I believe my friends are incredible!
I believe my papa gives the best hugs
I believe I am who I am because of the people I love
I believe my disease has taught me life lessons I would have otherwise never learned.
I believe I was a water creature in another life
I believe if you are at a beach, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be in the water!
I believe you can have many loves of your life
I believe I will live happily ever after (with or without a prince)
I believe time spent laughing is never wasted time
I believe children are miraculous
I believe I am a late blooming 1950s housewife
I believe in quiet time
I believe my mom is still the best person to cry to.
I believe in everyday adventures
I believe Seattle is where I will lay my head for a very long time
I believe a home should be cozy
I believe you can never have enough bags, enough shoes, or enough coats.
I believe Target is the greatest store on Earth- if you can’t find it there, you probably don’t need it!
I believe you should travel and experience life
I believe in a comfy couch
I believe in gut feelings
I believe a hug can fix anything
I believe I still laugh harder with my brother than any other person I know
I believe in fun mail!
I believe you should wear underwear that makes you feel sexy, even if you’re the only one that sees it
I believe in silver linings- always.
I believe I am an amazing singer (in the car, alone, listening to my fav song of the moment)
I believe the people who are important will remain important, no matter how far away they are.
The I Believe project

Friday, January 7, 2011
I miss make-up.

Thursday, January 6, 2011
Oldies but goodies
1.-Paper Maps. Alright I know that a gps, your phone, whatevs is much better tool to use, but what is going to happen on a family road trip when the mom can't mess up reading a map and the family doesn't get lost. All those great, "remember when mom thought norht was south" or "remember that great little hotel on that random road", or one from personal experience- "remember when you accidentally drove through the redwoods?!". There are stories and missed adventures without a misread map.
2.- Watches. I know they are already becoming obsolete and this makes me so sad. I mean, even my papa has been watch-free for years. First he used his beeper (remember those?!) and then moved onto his cell phone. If he is moving into technology, I prpbably should too. But there are so many times when a cell phone just can't be used. It is a computer and is not 100% reliable (no matter what I like or want to think!). Your smart phone stops working (all the time!). On an event in the rain, you can pull out a water proof watch and know the time. You cannot safely pull out your smart phone. Plus, there's something to knowing the time is right there on your wrist.
3- Hand-written letters/ Mail. Oh, this one makes my heart so very sad. I know the art of letter writing is dying and dying fast. I mean, why not? We have every other possible way to communicate with another person. Why would you write a letter that will take 3-4 days to arrive when you can send a text or email that will arrive in seconds. I will tell you why---
a.) Getting something in the post other than a bill, junk, or stuffing is such a fun feeling!
b.) A letter/card is tangible. You can look at the letter again and again and see the person's handwriting. It can prompt memories of their hands or emotions that an email typed neaty (likely without spelling errors) cannot.
c.) Greeting cards are fun! I love, love, love to send and receive cards in the mail. They are fun and something different than an email note. And as hard as Hallmark tries, the e-cards are just not the same. Plus, spending $$ on an email card just makes me mad! It's an email, that took .02 cents to make and you are charging me to send it to someone I love. No thanks!
d.) Without handwritten mail, where will Grandmas and Grandpas put the $5 cash for your birthday? Remember how great that was when you were little?!
e.) Without mail, what will happen to the love letter? Oh what a find when you come across one you thought you had thrown away. years later, they can still make you feel warm and fuzzy inside remembering how silly and passionate young love can be. Or maybe they just make you giggle (also fun). An email would have been deleted, on purpose the day you broke up. Those words will never come back across your world. And yes, once you re-read that note you will most likely throw it away, but what a fun memory to come across on that day.
4.- Commercial radio. Not the biggest on the list. But where else will you hear the local happenings in the background all day? I hate ads and annoying dj's as much as the next person, but it's fun to hear the local talk in each city I visit. XM is nice for the lack of ads, but I miss out on the traffic reports, weather, etc.
So that's my list. I know internet, smart phones and technology can improve many of the above, but what about the oldies but goodies.
PS- And my random thought for the moment. How is it that the perfect song always seems to pop on the radio at the very right moment?! As I was writing this, not one but three of my old favorite songs played on the radio. Just proves old (and the radio) is not always out of style.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
New Year's Attempts.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011