For as long as I can remember in any job review, I am described as a goal-setter. I think it's inherent because I am constantly setting goals big and small. So, when everyone talks about New Year Resolutions, I am generally quiet. I don't make specific resolutions because it a new year. normally. This year, it has been top of mind. (ah, how things change as we grow older and wiser!). So, in an attempt to make my first resolutions since I was probably in the 6th grade, I decided to make them public for a few reasons. 1.) Putting it out there makes it very real. 2.) If I don't at least attempt to achieve these goals, someone will inevitably call me out on it (I know my favorites well). 3.) It seems like the right thing to do since I write a blog.

So anyway. Without further ado. Here are my goals (resolutions) for the year Two Thousand and Eleven:
1.- Since I get the newspaper everyday, I will read it the day it was delivered and then put it promptly in the recylcing tub
2.- I will not allow my recyclables to pile up into large, crazy monster piles (see above newspaper comment). The bins are literally touching my car where it is parked, so I need to touch them daily anyway.
3.- I really will use the available compost bins. No cheating. Again, it's right there- no excuses.
4.- I will do my laundry once a week. I am talking all my laundry, not just my favorites. This includes sheets and towels.
5.- When not traveling, I will leave the house at least once a day for more than two hours. This can be for a walk, a meeting, or just working from a coffee place (yes, even on the super ugly rainy days!)
6.- And the biggie-- I will strive not to be such a procrastinator. Contrary to what people think, I really do wait until the last minute to do a lot of things and it just seems to be getting worse instead of better as I age.
There are probably more, but this is what I can think of with my cold-stuffy head and what I feel like should be put out there to the universe (and to you dear reader). (let that tweak your imagination...I mean, think of all the other things there could be...oh my!)
And with that, I will leave you to ponder your New Year's Resolutions (if you have any at all).
Happy Resoluting!
(PS- As I was reviewing and checking for errors, I realize these may make me sound like a complete dirty, slob. I assure I am not. People who have been to my home would never likely notice these things (recycling bags, etc). And my towels/sheets are always changed out regularly, but I let the dirty ones pile up in the laundry area. I do not sleep in dirty sheets or use grotty towels! Just in case you were thinking otherwise...)
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