Recently, other people in my life have been venting to me about aches and pains. Immediately after they start, they apologize to me. Saying it's not that big of a deal. Or it's nothing like what I deal with. Well, I am putting it out there now and saying for all to see-- that is bullshit*!
Yes, I am hurting more right now than I have in years. Yes, I am frustrated by this downswing in the pendulum that is my health. BUT (and this is a big but). My aches and pains do not take away from the fact that other people have aches and pains! Pain is personal. Each person carries it differently. We all handle things differently. And just because I hurt does not take away from the fact that someone else does. Just because I hurt does not mean that someone else can't too. I wish no one did, but it's life. Without pain we wouldn't know pleasure. Without frustration, how could you recognize joy? I for one am not willing to give up the positive to be void of the negative. That's too big of a risk for me. Where would I learn a lesson? be challenged? or make a discovery? No thanks.
In fact, one of my favorite things about having close friends and family is that you can share both the triumphs and the tribulations of life. Being hurt physically (or emotionally) and needing to talk about it is so good. And trusting me enough to share those things with me is a gift. Really.
*(when I type that I hear a combination of my Aunt Chris and Uncle Tim's voices...makes me smile).
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