I am a procrastinator (as I have been for my whole life), but I thought that might change when I am paying for the class myself.
Yeah, Not so much.
I promise I had the best of intentions when I got my first assignment early last week. I have been thinking about it and making a mental plan for when I'd read that article, watch the video and write a two page paper. I started to yesterday and then totally distracted myself with some super random stuff on the internet while I was doing research....whoops! Talk about a rabbit hole. Yikes, I was bound to find Alice* somewhere in there. By the time I pulled myself out of the rabbit hole it was late and I did not feel I was at my best so I opted to put it off one more day. And here we are one day before the class and I finally did the assignment. I woke up early and was showered, dressed, and beginning to get caffinated all before the construction dudes showed up next door. I was focused and finished the assigment before my workday started at 8:30am. It's done and I actually feel good about it.
But now as I print the paper and materials I'll need for class, I am nervous.
Questions plaguing my mind--
- Where is the classroom?
- Where on earth do I park?
- How much time should I give myself to get to class? It's rushhour and I have little practice.
- what should I wear???
Of all things, the question of what to wear is nagging at me. I know it's stupid. I know no one will actually care what I arrive in. But that's what I will be nervous about.
Maybe it's because I can actually tell you what I wore on most of my other first days of school. Weird, right?
On my first day of Kindergarten, I wore an outfit that was a hand-me-down. It was purple (my favorite color) and I remember thinking I was so cool. I got to ride the bus (!) and go to school (!!). Of course, I loved school. My dad loves to share the story of how I came home and was 5-year-old pissed that I didn't have homework. He really liked to remind me of that whenever I

I attended a Catholic school for my elementary years, so I wore a school uniform for the remaining 6 first days of school. I always had a new pair of "good" (and expensive--thanks mom and papa) shoes, fancy socks and a bow that matched. My hair was always placed in pink rollers while I slept so I would wake up with "dressed-up" hair. We would lay out our school bags and new supplies the night before so we would be ready for the 7am bus pickup.
In 7th grade, we had moved and I attended a public school for the first time in my life. I got to participate in "back to school" shopping and decide what I was going to wear. My favorite outfit that year (in that school) was pegged-jeans (I cannot believe that is making a comeback, btw!), thick socks, and a horizontal striped shirt in purple and green. (Think Barney...). I thought I looked so awesome! (yikes). We moved around a bit during this timeframe, so the other first days at the new schools are a bit fuzzy. I am quite sure that other first days consisted of some sort of oversized vest and a button-down. (Give me a break...it was the Memphis/Midwest version of grunge.)
By high school, I had been in public school for a few years and had been settled in one school system for a little over a year. I knew where kids shopped and what was "cool". Starting the 9th grade, there were two first days. The very first "first" day was only 9th graders. I think it eased us in. And the second day was with everyone. I OBSESSED over what I was going to wear on both days. I am pretty sure I had it planned out for weeks. I wore a sunflower t-shirt and brown jeans (they matched the inside of the sunflower...oh yeah!) for the 9th-grade only first day of school. I had insanely long hair at the time so made sure to have a scrunchie that matched! And for the forst day of school with everyone I wore jeans and a tie-dye t-shirt. I still own (and wear) that tie-dye.
I am not 100% sure of what I wore the remaining first days of high school, but am pretty sure one day was a borrowed plaid shirt from my dad that he didn't know about until he tried to get dressed for work (thanks, papa). Likely a sports uniform was in the mix, and probably a pair of overalls worn with birkenstocks and wool socks. (Yep, super cool...)

By the time I got to college, I was in my hippe phase of life. My mom sent me away to college and reminded me that I should wash my jeans at least once a week. Showering was not neccessarily a daily habit. And I LOVED overalls. :)
My roommate (Joann Van) and I actually took a photo on the first day of class. I was full of oversized, grey school spirit.
After that trip down memory lane, whatever I wear on my first back to school will be an improvement!
*Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Get it? Because she follows the rabbit down the hole and a whole array of craziness ensues.
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