Today my little brother turns 30! 

My little brother. My lifelong pal.
This is the guy who climbed trees and fell out because I "made him laugh". This is the guy who built a half-pipe in the backyard and then broke his leg so badly he couldn't go to Paris. The guy who had lemon yellow hair for more years than he probably cares to remember. The guy who re-met the love of his life while running an errand for his hungover sister and her friends. The guy who married the sister I always wanted. The guy who "lunches with the ladies" whenever possible. The guy I talk to more than anyone else. The guy who knows my stories and really does keep the important secrets (even though I think he spills beans). My buddy.
My little brother.
Today he turns 30.
I find this to be super crazy....when did we get so old?!
I have embraced my inner old lady for some time. I think she is pretty fab and I enjoy the old lady habits---eating well, wearing comfortable shoes (but cute!), and going to bed early.
I also enjoy feeling wise. Knowing what makes me happy and what doesn't. Looking back and knowing I wouldn't change a thing. And that there is nothing I regret. I realize I am very early into my 30s, but I like it here. a lot.
And I am delighted to bring my brother into this decade. Like me, he had some major fun and has slowed down a bit. Don't get me wrong, he can still party with the best of them, but its now done in a responsible way. ;)
We've been friends for most of our lives. And I am excited to be able to spend our older years continuing to enjoy the company of eachother.
Happy Birthday, Dude!
Welcome to your 30's! It's going to amazing!
So sweet!