First, let me preface by saying--Damn, it's been awhile and I'm sorry! I follow other blogs and get annoyed when there are HUGE lapses between posts. (I know I shouldn't, but I totally do. Reading them is my favorite part of my morning "news" updates.) Anyways, sorry it's been so long--there was a surgery, the recovery, and then a work trip. And here we are. So, onto today's post**
Do you remember the scene in the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy has seen the Tin Man in the field and realizes he is trying to speak to her? Then she finds that uber convenient basket of Tin Man supplies (maybe it's just the oil can...I am not sure). Well the magic is that as soon as she oils him, he can hold a conversation normally. I am jealous.
You may ask why I am jealous of the Tin Man...I want a conveniently located basket of Jessica supplies.

It's officially been 5 weeks since my jaw suregery and I am growing impatient with this recovery period. Right now, I SO wish there was an oil can to grease my jaw joints and restore them back to normal! Although the recovery is going "beautifully", I am ready to be back to normal. As others have pointed out, it's only been 5 weeks since I had a MAJOR surgery. I mean, I look like a different person (well, really a different version of myself). That kind of change requires some time to heal. And patience when it comes to my health is definately not a strength I possess. You would think it would be with all the random ailments I have due to the autoimmune disease, but alas no. I am as impatient with illness as a supreme athlete! (I don't know why but I have to assume super athletes get really annoyed when they're ill since the illness keeps them from their athletic event).
So I am going to put it out there-- if you somehow come across a basket of Jessica supplies, please send it my way. I mean, who knows, maybe my supply basket just got misplaced at or near an old address...
And if it isn't found, then good old-fashioned chewing will have to do all the "greasing" for me. Sigh.
**I have some backdated posts that I need to post in the coming days. I promise I'll get it together and post them very soon
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