Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tides of Change
I don't know what it is lately, but things feel different. The things I am referring to are not tactile, but rather internal "feelings". I can't physically touch these things to know they are different. Work, friendships, me. It's not a bad thing, but it's interesting and has plagued my brain for a bit now. And then while reading my current book the protagonist (who is going through a life transition) stated this random fact: "Every 7 years we change, we readjust, we reinvent." As part of this statement he also talked about the shelf-life of a friendship and that because of the 7-year change, we lose friendships. That actually brought a tear to my eye. My life is practically made up of people that I met 7 years ago. I cannot imagine those friendships with a shelf-life. They are my sounding board, my giggle-buddy, they are "favorites". The protagonist in this book tends to be a pessimist and I have had some serious eye rolls while reading, but this struck a cord with me. Most likely because of the above-mentioned feelings that have been plaguing my brain. And while I want to disregard the statement, it has been several days and it is still with me. The more I think about it, the more the eternal optimist in me is trying to rationalize and find a new theory. And I believe I have found at least a thought-- While thinking on this, I started to think about tides of change (who knows why!), but that made me think of oceans and tide pools. (Now bear with me).
Tides are a new phenomenon to me. I grew up with big water that did not ebb and flow with the stages of the moon. The water level was the same, unless there was a drought, serious rain or snowfall, but it didn't readjust itself 4X a day! So, moving to a place with oceans has opened a new door of learning to me. I am fascinated by tides and more specifically tide pools. These "pools" are the areas leftover once the tide goes out. You can find incredible treasures in these pools-- starfish, sand-dollars, clams, and array of other random, wonderful creatures. You can also find junk- from humans or just ocean waste. Everything is revealed for a short amount of time. And then the tide comes back. It fills the pools completely so they are now part of the bigger ocean rather than their own little world. The creatures can catch a wave and move to another tide pool area, the garbage is washed away. And then the tide goes back out again. That tide pool may not even be in the same place again, the creatures are different or have moved on. The garbage is gone. The optimist in me would like to think this is what the 7-year change is doing--- washing away the garbage, bringing in new creatures, or allowing me to find another pool. So, instead of fearing these tides, I am going to embrace them and hope that the new high tide will bring a hidden treasure.

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