I will admit, I am a nerd. For years, my mom called me her "little egg head". I enjoy nerdy-type things. Not Star Wars, or Sci-fi-y things but brain tickler type things. Really, I love science (real not fiction) and words.
My love of words comes from a youth being given great books, including poetry probably beyond my years. But I loved it all. In fact, one of my favorite St. Nicholas Days*, I spent the better part of the eveing reading an American Girl book called Molly until my mom finally made me come upstairs for dinner. I literally felt like I could have read all night.
My love of words, phrases and books continued. I used words in my photo books (before scrapbooking was the THING to do), and cut out quotes and phrases that meant something to me and hung them on walls, and places to see. (I feel like that might be more a teenage girl rather than a nerdy thing, but whatevs). where my word enjoyment gets nerdy is in the purchase of quote books. (I still have several).
As youth turned into adulthood, I still find myself making notes about phrases in books, cards that have meaning, and general phrase merriment. And I think living in Seattle has only encouraged this love.
In my local hood, there are two businesses that place quotes on their outdoor signs. I honestly have NO idea what either business is, but I enjoy the posted quotes and phrases. Nine out of Ten times, the quote is somehow relatable to my life. And yesterday's was no exception.
I had a rather bleak day of news yesterday (long, unenjoyable story) and took a walk. On the way home, I drove past one of the quotable quotes and it read: Stress is what happens when your brain says no, but your mouth says Yes. It could not have been a more perfect quote for my life these days (just that time of year with my job and with my weird body). It made me laugh and think a little.
The walk and the giggle made me a much happier camper.
But what really changed my mood was a good chat with a good friend and then today some little things made me remember how little these stressful things matter in life. A note from a dear one filled with words changed my perspective. Just words made all the difference.
*So, for those that don't know. St. Nicholas day is celebrated on December 6. It was a Schulte family tradition that we embraced. Our tradition was to get our stockings (awesome in Elementary school to brag about to friends) in the morning and ours were filled with a chocolate orange, underwear, and I think a game (I may be mixing up easter basket & stocking). My grandma Schulte always sent books- mostly Christmas, but sometimes other kinds. It's fun to hear how my cousins celebrated and what they got compared to what we did. But we all woke up to the magic of Christmas a little early. We also shared the tradiditon with friends and classmates as we aged. You can find the real history here.
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