Long, long ago (well in the eighties when I was growing up), Michigan's ad campaign was Yes! Michigan. And because my Aunt mugs worked in the government we got all kinds of cool buttons, bumper stickers and the like. As a kid, I just thought it was super fun to have all the schwag and put stickers on things (folders, my bike, my brother (!)). But now, as an adult, I get it. YES! Michigan.
There is no place like it. And I have been a fair amount of places.
From Detroit to Soo Saint Marie (yes that is an actual city), you can find incredible things to see and do.
I spent the better part of last week working from the southeast corner of the Mitten State *and I enjoyed scenic drives (in the city), some history, and yummy, yummy Meditterenean food.
Then I ventured to my happy place- Up North, Michigan. For anyone from the Mitten or surrounding states, you know what Up North means. It's cottages, open spaces, lake views, and lazy afternoons. It's fresh air, local yokels, and tourists. It's small town parades and firework displays. And for me- it's time with family just the way I remember it. Lounging on the beach, braving the chilly Lake Michigan temps, laughing, cocktailing (as I aged), and playing games.
As my dad pointed out the other day on the beach, I am old (31). (Which I must say makes him really old!) But even as an "old lady", I still love it. Maybe even more than I did as a kid. I can now appreciate the slow drive around Stern Park to "make sure the lake is still there", the daily trips to see the boat go out (huge car ferries), and the quiet.
I may call someplace else home, but this will always be my happy place.
**If you don't know, the state of Michigan is shaped like a mitten. That is why all people from here will hold up there and show you where they live when asked. It's all part of the charm, don't you think? ;)
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