For the past two days I served my jury duty summons. I get called every few years and this is the first time I actually had to show up.
As you read, I had to take the bus. I was a commuter for a few days and am ever more grateful for the fact that my normal commute is the twenty feet from my bedroom to my desk in the living room. No worries about traffic or bus delays. The alarm clock is the only thing that stands in my way---that is if I set it for the correct time.
After the adventures of commuting, I reported for my first jury duty experience.
What a boring experience.
The shining spot was the woman who ran the show. She was friendly and informative. More than can be said for most folks in such a thankless role. She works with all of humanity. And beleive me, all of humanity was present in the jury assembly room- my home away from home for two days. Before being selected for a trial you could possibly be called into a jury filter courtroom multiple times.
I guess I was lucky and was only put into one trial and was dismissed following the longest process known to man (in my opinion).
The process to pick a jury is a tedious and arduous one. I do not envy anyone in the judicial system. And mean from the judges to the clerks to the lawyers to the defendants. What a process!
As a new observer, no matter how many times I was told, this is a great system-- the best in the world. I don't beleive it. As a person that has a tendency to do anything in the most efficient manner possible, this system was appaulingly inefficient.
It's a wonder to me that anything is ever decided.
After being dismissed I was more than relieved. And now it seems like I have two more years to forgot about the experience and look upon a summons with the exuberance of one fellow juror who said she was honored when it arrived at her home.
As an American, I suppose I should feel that way. I should feel good that things are done in the name of justice. But even with all safe guards, I still have to wonder if the way it's done, is really the best way.
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