It is no secret to anyone I know that I love real mail.
Don't get me wrong any correspondance is nice, but there's nothing better than getting something other than junk or a bill in your mailbox.
I come from a family of letter writers, so my mailbox may be filled more regularly than most others. (Have I mentioned I am lucky?)
I try my best to continue that tradition by sending fun mail to friends, family and collegues at various times of the year. I always enjoy seeing a little envelope among the other junk.
And now it's Christmas time! It's time for Christmas cards. I love it!
Every day I open the mailbox and there is at least one envelope that is fun mail. It makes my heart happy.
Even more fun are unexpected packages! (well, let's be honest a long awaited order from Amazon.com at your door is pretty great too!). But an unexpected box tucked into the door jam is such a delight. Two days in a row that has happened at my house. It's just so fun!
Part of me thinks I should put them under the tree and wait until Christmas Eve to open them, but screw that! I open them almost as soon as I can get the scissors out from the kitchen drawer! And it's so good.
I know I am loved everyday. But today after opening packages and some Christmas cards, the words and thoughts of those I love are right in front of me. It's like getting a hug (in the mail).
If every person had one person who makes them feel this way, the world would be such a better place. I am so grateful.
I thought of you as I started getting all the holiday cards. I love this time also, even though I don't deserve it because I don't mail holiday cards.