Monday, December 6, 2010

Different Adventures

well, my dear readers, it's been a bit. It's not that life has been without it's adventures, believe me. It's that life has thrown some different adventures into the mix. Let me explain...
Last week, it was made public that my department was going to go through some significant change. That change meant laying off 5 people I have worked with and worked beside for more than 5 years. Another whole department went through a different change- everyone was out and a few new positions were created and people had to reapply. I am not sure which is more difficult- to outright be told of a new position or to choose to make that change. I guess, we all really had a choice- to be part of the change or not. It was our call. Either way, the people without jobs are left to face some very serious choices and challenges. I am not blind to that and my heart goes out to each of them. I hope that through the unexpected change in their lives, they are able to find the happiness they each desire.
For my part, I am excited about what this change means for me. I will be taking on new and different challenges at work and letting go of much of the things about my old position that I found frustrating. I am not naive enough to think there will not be fristrations, but I am hopeful that the good will outweigh the bad. I am also confident there will still be laughter and good times with the people I work with- and really, that makes all the difference.
I am looking forward to this new adventure.

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