Ugh, waiting! That seems to be my theme these last few weeks (maybe years). I feel like I am in a constant holding pattern, waiting for the next thing, the next step, the next directive. And I am done with it!
I want to get this stuff done and over with! I want to move forward and make things happen. I want to go "onward and upward" (a major theme in my company). "Let's go!" is what I say. "Consequences be damned, let's get this stuff done!" (Well, really I don't say that, but I really want to!)
And with that I am going to go walk in the dark rain (because yes, it is 4:45pm and black outside (sigh.)), so I can actually accomplish something!
(ps- the artwork was stolen from google images. I have no idea where the statue actually is but it totally fits my mood. Can't you feel how annoyed they are that they are waiting?)
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