Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Heavy heart.

(should have been posted 12/26)

Today, the day after Christmas. Today, the evening after a heart-filling day with family and my fav little ones. Today, when I walked in my door with an ear-to-ear grin. Today, my heart is heavy.
While looking at facebook before settling down and putting my phone away for the night, I saw everyone posting something about Bridget.
If you don't know who Bridget is-- here's a quick recap. She works with me on the 3-Day. She is a super fun and lively woman of age 29. At 22 (I think) she was diagnosed with Stage IV metastic breast cancer. If I remember correctly, she found out the day after her college graduation. I cannot even begin to imagine what that must have felt like. The shock. The anger. The fear. I know what I felt when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and I cannot fathom what it must be like to hear that you have a small percentage that you will make it to 30. Cannot fathom.
But she has not only survived well past doctors initial expectations, she has thrived. And shared her story with the world. She has shown women (and men) of all ages that no matter what, you can be a fighter. You can have hope. And be graceful. And smart. And have the whole world.
I have had the honor to work with her on a few projects, not anywhere near as closely as others, but she has still touched my life. As she has done with so many others. in fact, you may see her picture if you open a magazine and see a Komen ad or see one on TV. She is the one with a big ole smile. With all the discussion over athletes being hereos or not (Lance or Te'o), she is a hero. No lie. No argument. She faced an unfathomable obstacle and has done so like the lady she is. To me: that is a hero.
So, today after I saw all the posts, I went to her blog. And was dumbfounded to read her request to let her go and her plea to not forget her.  Her fight is coming to the end. And my heart is heavy.

The link to read about Bridget (in her own words):

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