Wednesday, January 23, 2013

unHappy New Year

(should have been posted 1/2/13)

Um, 2013, we are officially fighting. I am not pleased. You were supposed to be a super awesome year. And you have started out really poorly.
I have an exceptionally bad cold.
AND all my stuff was stolen out of a car.
So. Not. Cool.

The story:
While enjoying a super yummy dinner with an old pal, thieves stole my luggage out of her backseat. All my stuff, including a new iPad. The thieves got away with about $5000 worth of stuff. None of it (but the apple stuff) was worth much to anyone. But it all had worth to me.
Really it is just stuff. No one was hurt. The window will get fixed. The money will come to me to replace my stuff. I am calm about it, but I am annoyed.
I mean. I can assure you that the thieves do not want my chubby girl short jeans (that took me 6 months to find). Nor do they want my gross retainers. For sure those are in a garbage can somewhere and I now have to find an ortho in DC and go for a visit (which does not please me at all!). Nor can I foresee them getting any money for the super fun earrings that I have taken years to collect in all my travels. They weren't expensive enough to sell, but they were all worth a lot to me. And I'm so bummed.
I will be able to replace the items, but I find it super annoying to have to do so.

The upside:
I have amazing people in my world and they have expressed a lot of worry for me. And while I could become a super bitter, untrusting person, I will not become that person because of the awesome people in my life. So, thank you for being positive and for being worried and for making me believe that there is way more good than evil in the world.

the scene of the crime

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