(should have been posted 8/31/11)
Today, my boss came to town to take a tour of the Seattle 3-Day route. A day to familiarize himself with the route and the sites before the actual event weekend. I have a million things on my plate and this was just one more, but I guess it never hurts to check out the route and sites.
We started the day with a meeting with all my big-wigs. Nothing like going to a meeting with all the important people in the vicinity and your boss. (Oh and referring to a Chief of Police as Dude in front of them all--yeah, that really happened.). But I would mark both the meeting and the drive a success. Hooray.
Mid-way through the day, the boss-man had a call, so we stopped for a long lunch. He started to eat and had to take the call, so left me at the table with his half-eaten lucnh and to finish my lunch . No big deal. I am lady who dines alone while working a lot. It was a nice afternoon, so we opted to dine outside. There are no bugs, so dining outdoors is an exceptional option. I mean there are birds, but typically they aren't aggressive. Typically, is the key word there.
As I was saying, boss-man took a call away from the table and I finished eating and was then trying to keep email in check by using my phone and was not paying attention to his half-eaten lunch. All of a sudden there was a loud rustling, so I looked up. A crow was stealing his sandwich off his plate! I squealed, of course. The bird dropped the sandwich on the table. The other patrons were as shocked as me. I just there, shocked and laughing a little. I mean, seriously, how was I going to explain why he couldn't eat the half of sandwich? And how it got moved? I mean, who would believe a crow could do that?! (Another example of why birds hate me. See here for my previous one.)
So, I let the sandwich sit there and I continued to email and debate about how I was going to explain why his sandwich was on the table and not on his plate where he left it. After a little bit longer, I needed to visit the ladies room, so I got up and went inside. 

I came back out, and a table of businessmen were laughing. One yelled over to let me know that the crow had stolen the rest of the sandwich almost immediately after I got up. I got to the table and in fact the sandwich and all the fries were gone! The crows were enjoying them in the birdbath over the fance. (And I think laughing at me....). The waiter came over and explained that he put in a to-go order. And reminded me that I need to be vigilent around those birds. For real.
When the boss-man returned, I explained and he just laughed along with me. And then put together my dislike of birds and laughed a little harder.
Damn birds.
(and really who else does this happen to???)