Today I saw a garbage man dancing as he picked up the trash cans.
If a garbage man can dance while picking up trash, I definately need to start "dancing" while planning some events. My job is NOT dirty. In fact, it's really not super hard.
In the last few weeks, I have been struggling to be motivated and get my work done. Don't get me wrong, I am working but not at my usual speed or pace. My procrastinate defect is making a full appearance. It seems like my new motto, is why do today, what can be done tomorrow? Uncool. And annoying.
It's not like I am procrastinating on work to do something cool or being productive in another aspect of my life. I'm just wasting time. I go in phases like this and usually snap out of it after a few days---not so much this time. It's been a few weeks and going. (In part, I do blame the record-breaking dreary weather.)
But then today, I saw the dancing garbage man.
It made me think of a quote from Martin luther King, Jr that I read as part of my HS graduation speech. (Yes, I know. Slugs don't read speeches at HS graduations. I am actually a very productive human being and usual over-achiever. Hence why this whole low productivity phase is driving me nuts.) So here's that amazing quote:
"We are challenged on every hand to work untiringly to achieve exellence in our lifework. Not all men are called to specialized or professional jobs; even fewer rise to the heights of genius in the arts and sciences; many are called to be laborers in factories, fields, and streets. But no work is insignificant. All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. If a man is called to be a street sweeper; he should sweep as Michelangelo painted; or Beethoven composed music; or Shakespeare write poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.'"
Whoa. All these years later and that quote still speaks to me.
Talk about a kick in the pants.
I do believe the dancing garbage man (and Mr. King) have provided just the motivation I needed.
Anyone else feel like dancing?