Although I was tired from a super fun weekend with some of my favorite people on my favorite coast (I'm sorry but the West coast really is the better coast), I got up from my cozy little lazy couch spot and bundled up so I could head down and check everything out.
While on the Metro, I was sort of questioning my choice. I mean, I was headed into the nuttiness alone. No buddy to join me in side commentary or for entertainment. Just me. I had read the paper (cause I am 90 and get a newspaper everyday...I recycle.) and figured out what was open and closed. After some review I decided to opt out of the speech and swearing in and instead just check out the parade. Good choice!
Once I was downtown, I discovered it would have been impossible to do both. Well, not impossible but would have meant miles and miles of walking out of the way. (I do not like that!) As it was I had to walk quite a ways to get to a public viewing spot for the parade. And then we had to wait in line. For a parade. I had to wait in an airline-stlye, TSA checked kind of line. No fruit or opened containers were allowed inside the gated area. Apparently, they think crazies will throw fruit at the Pres. Random.
I was in line to get closer for over an hour. While waiting in line, I chatted with some folks. And two super nice guys asked me if I would want to hang out with them while watching/waiting. So nice!
And we had so much fun! (and discovered they are my neighbors!!)
Well, once we waited in line, we waited for a long while for the parade to begin (apparently the Pres and family needed lunch.) Once the parade began, I was moved closer because I am short. (Did I say how nice people were to eachother?! It was incredible.) So, there I was in the front row (well behind the two barricade and 3 traffic lanes from where the parade elements passed), just waiting. A bunch of vehicles passed and then we heard loud cheers from further down the route. The whole crowd starting to look and then The President WALKED right past us. Yes, that's right. He walked by! I was so excited I just left my phone/camera in my pocket and squealed! And teared up a little. I mean, how cool is that the President literally just walked past me. Not drive past but straight-up, walked. And his wife in her fancy heels and goreous coat, walked. Cool. It seemed as soon as they passed, the entire crowd left. And then were all in the front row. And the Vice President walked by! By then I actually had my camera out and ready...I learn kind of fast.
From there, the parade was filled with marching bands and floats and things from all across the country. And then there was a looooooooonnnnnnnnngggggg pause. (do you get how long they paused?!). So at 6pm, I said goodbye to the police officers who had patiently answered all of my questions about logistics all day and started my way home.
As I manuevered throuh people in ball gowns (heading to the Ball) and marine uniforms, I again got teary-eyed. Here I was in the nation's capitol experiencing history. How did I ever think I could miss out?!
Some more pictures of the day:
The Capitol all dressed up when I drove by on Sunday night. |
The incredibly empty Metro station. |
Just one of the Peeps in the crowd. |
My new police pals from Ocean City, New Jersey and the Marine Corp band. |