Mary, Mary, how does your garden grow? With silver belles and cockle shells. And pretty maids all in a row.
Well, my garden doesn't grow with anything right in a row. And I don't even know what a cockle shell is? (Does anyone, really?) But my garden is finally planted. And just in time for me to head out on another road trip! Here's hoping the flower food and watering with hold until well into July.
Last year, I had a garden for the first time in more than 6 years- delightful! And this year's is a little bit better. I grew up with flowers galore. My parents spent time on weekends maintaining their lush green grass (a grass carpet one would could say) and the pretty flowers that seemed to bloom from the first warm day all the way until that first frost in the fall. My grandmother had the most beautiful gardens (in my mind anyway). There was always a little magic when wondering through her gardens. Having a garden runs in the family. It is something you just do. And something I do enjoy.
This year it's impatiens, and gerbera daises with a few bell peppers on the side. I also got a little excited and bought some seeds---we'll see if those turn out. And who knows maybe their are silver belles or cockle shells in that mix?
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