Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Solstice!

Oh happy day--summer is here! It did not get dark until 9:55pm last night. What?! That is some sort of craziness....and I love it!

I am delighted to have been home in Seattle to enjoy the glorious sunny longest day of the year! I enjoyed some outdoor time in my garden (it's starting to grow....hooray!) and took a little walk after working a full and somewhat long workday.

As the paragraph above says, I was traveling in the morning yesterday. I returned from Phoenix, just in time to miss the first day of 115 degrees (oh thank goodness!). Whilst traveling, I could not believe the sheer number of travelers! Then it occured to me--summer travel time is here. My heart sank. Ugh- the summer travel season. is upon on us. It may be worse than the Christmas holiday season.

So, here's my rant and suggestion list for those raggety summer travelers--

1- Although it may be hot in both your departure city and arrival destination, having your booty shorts on and sitting in an airline...EEEWWW! Girl- none of your bits should ever touch a seat that 100s of people sit on in a short amount of time.

2- And on a similar note. Gentlemen, read above about the heat. For you, it seems sleeveless shirts seem to be a trend. No matter how buff you are, I just don't want to see your pit hair on an airplane. Or smell you, for that matter!

3- Just because you don't travel regularly does not mean you can be put out (read: yell, rant/rave at nearby passengers) by the rules of airline travel. I'm sorry, the TSA is just doing their job and PS- the rules have not changed in many, many years!. Yes, it is annoying and yes, I, too, would prefer to not have to do the "TSA Striptease" each and every time I travel. But it is, what it is. Just roll with it. And think about those rules before you pack your carry-on.

4.- Once on the plane, please remember if you are seated in an exit row you really are going to be asked to help in the event of an emergency. So, no joke, take it seriously. A shug of annoyance is not what your fellow passengers are looking for in an emergency row seatmate.

5- For those seated in the first row of first class or coach you do not get under seat storage. The person behind you gets to use the storage space beneath you. Those are the rules, even if you think your bag is the most precious item in the world. (No kidding on my recent flight, I witnessed the woman in the front row turn around and scream at the woman behind her for putting her bag underneath her chair.) Um, that is where the back person's feet go---do you really want your precious bag to be marred by the dirty, possible bathroom germ-y feet of your fellow passenger? I'm thinking not so much. I would suggest that the overhead bin would be a better bet.

Even with the crazies, I AM looking forward to my travel this summer season. There are "favorites" to be seen, beaches to play on (or sleep on), and a tan to be worked on.

Welcome, summer!

(I would appreciate some slightly warmer days in my home state...maybe a few 70s in a row? Thanks!)

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