Friday, July 22, 2011

It's a toughy...

One of the things I love most about living in Seattle is the availability and low-cost of delicious fresh produce. I have recently been told that eastern Washington is sometimes referred to as the "fruitbasket"so that may have something to do with it. Or it might be my recent living experience in Arizona- where fruit never tasted as good as I remembered (or wanted it to). Somehow in a place where the sun shines ALL THE TIME, the fruit tasted old and crusty.

My palette has become discerning when it comes to fresh produce, probably like it was when I was growing up. You see, Michigan is filled with farms that produce an array of deliciousness.

When I was home a few weeks back, I was there just in time for strawberries and asparagus. YUMMY! I could not get enough of either item. I took 3 quarts of berries and 1 of cherries to the GR crew and we ate all of berries in two days. The berries tasted like dessert (even when they weren't part of a shortcake situation).

Well, upon returning to my home, I found locally grown berries at the market and was so stoked thinking they would be the same. Not so much. I mean they were fine, but the small container went bad before I even finished it. Bummer.

But at the same market, I found Yakima Cherries. (Yakima is in eastern WA and I actually know a few folks there.) For as disappointing as the strawberries were the cherries were amazing. I grew up eating cherries (Traverse City, MI is known for them), but these Yakima ones beat out any cherry I have ever eaten before. I ate cherries for two days (and almost nothing else). They were SO good.

In keeping with the M&M taste test, my conclusion on strawberries and cherries is that Michigan wins out in battle Strawberry and Washington wins in battle Cherry. I am happy to continue tasting abd see if these results remain consistent. ;)

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