Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Through the eyes of a child.

Not a word air travelers enjoy hearing, but it is all part of the experience.
On my recent air flight, the pilot came on before we even took off and made an announcment similar to the following: "Hello Passengers. Please be prepared for the following 2 hours of your flight. Buckle up! Cause it's gonna be a doozie! If you feel the need, pray to the god of your choice and make amends. And remember flight attendants also need to remain seated so they won't fly into your laps or hit their heads on the ceiling. We'll do our best to make it less bumpy, but we're not miracle workers. Thanks for flying with us today. Hope to see you on the other side."

okay- so maybe this is slightly off and exaggerated for a little humos...but that is how it felt. And no one was freaking out more than the family behind me and the people next to me. Oh! and the old man in front of me. Ok- I am actually quite certain that entire plane was a little anxious. The flight attendants battened down the hatches and we were off! (Belted in, of course.)

We took off and got smoothly in flight. The ding! for electronics went off and still smooth sails. I plugged into my iPod and swiftly fell asleep (it was 7:45am and I hadn't slept well the night before). I slept soundly....that is until I literally woke up because I thought someone was shaking me awake. Nope, it was everyone shaking on the plane. The turbulance was SO bad that it actually woke me up from a deep slumber! Well, once awake there was no going back to sleep, so I was awake and aware of the bumps and dives. I couldn't read, so I listened to passengers around me. Now, while uncomfortable, I did not fear we wouldn't make it. I didn't worry that we wouldn't land. I wasn't fearful for my life, but others were. (drama...)

But then I heard a giggle. Not a sound usually paired with worry or panic.

The giggle; giggles, I should say, were coming from the girls behind me. They were first time flyers and were nervous from the start. But when the bumps and dives shook them and bonk'ed them together, they giggled. Not a nervous giggle, but a giggle filled with pure delight. They thought it was fun! One even said, "Daddy! I love airplanes! They're just like roller coasters only cozier!"
Only though the eyes of a child. :)

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