Thursday, July 28, 2011

July? Where did you go?

Today as I was adding to my to do list I realized it was July 28.
Um, what?
It is three days before the first of August. Ugh.
Seriously, what happened to July?!

Not only am I shocked because that means I am traveling again on Monday (dang, three weeks flew by!), but it means that the insanity of my event season is about to begin. To be honest, it kind of already has.

I was talking with some friends yesterday (who are all in the event world) and we discussed how much we miss summer. While we are seemingly busier than most during the summer months (because let's be honest, when else can you host a series of events without snow?). In truthfulness, our season lasts until the start to the holiday season. So really we miss the end of summer and all of fall.

More than anything it made me wonder if missing summer has more to do with being a grown-up than with our actual jobs. Aside from teachers, no other professional I know still gets summer break. We all take vacations but don't get a full month or two months away from work. Now, I am not saying that doesn't make sense. It does. I cannot imagine being in a classroom filled with kiddos ALL day for over 200 days of the year. That is exhausting! I am wiped after spending a full day with one (maybe two) of my munchkins. It's the best day, but tiring.

So, my conclusion on that topic of summers lost is that it's just one more notch on the belt of age that sometimes beats you.
No more summer break.
Time literally flies by.
Oh, and you get wrinkles! (diss!)

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