Today is Sunday. I used to really dislike Sundays. For some reason, I always feel Sunday is a "family" day and it's been several years since I've lived near my family. Not that we ever did much on Sundays--other than church in the morning. Otherwise, the day was spent doing chores, helping do some sort of yardwork, nothing notable or miss-able really.
Since moving to Seattle my dislike of Sundays has changed. Aside from the fact that it means I go back to work tomorrow, I actually enjoy Sundays. It means the market is in full effect-- flowers for sale, food trucks to experience, and generally incredible people-watching. No matter what--there is always something to do.
Most weekends I am in my proper home, I start out with no plans but end up enjoying the day either alone or with various pals.
Last week, I discovered and wondered around in a new part of town as I was passing some time between meeting friends for brunch and then some other friends for dinner. This week, I woke up late and had a lazy morning and ended up having a random adventure with two (and surprise a third) favorite. It was a randomly fun day filled with good people.
I think my dislike of Sundays has officially been squashed.
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