Be warned- This is not an adventure story or even an uplifting post- now you can't say I didn't warn you.
Over the course of the last few years, people I love and people they love are being diagnosed with all kinds of ailments that I match up with the 80-year-old set, not for folks in their 20s and 30s! What is wrong with us? we make jokes baout being in "homes' in our forties and having jazzies that are decorated within an inch of their lives, but it's really not funny. It's concerning.
There are all kinds of ideas out there about why. Microwaves, the use of plastic, the air, the environment, and on and on... but when the ailments vary and the people come from all over, there's no easy answer and no common denominator.
You may wonder what has set off this rather depressing mindset. Well, this is the month of surgeries. The HLP* is having surgery on Wednesday, her BF is likely having a surgery in the coming weeks, and I am scheduled for my jaw joints on Feb 14th. Not one of us is over the age of 35. It's depressing. We should all be out and about frolicking and living life to it's fullest, not talking about who is going to care for us, how much it is going to cost, and figuring out any long term worries, if any.
I just don't get it. Do we need to eat more apples?
(*HLP- Heterosexual Life Partner. This is what I jokingly refer to my friend since she is my buddy in life. It's just silly, but so true. She's there for me and me for her. She shares my random life joys (pictures of the loved munchkins), life's sadness, life's fristrations, and is my favorite dinner buddy. We could talk for hours or be quiet in the same space and either way it's the best conversation I'll have all week. She's the same as a Life Partner, just without the passion.)
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