Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Erica's I Believe list

Erica is my cousin and good friend. I believe she is one of the biggest reasons I love fun mail. When we were little we were "pen pals". As we grew up, she has remained one of my favroite people. I love that she is my friend. I am so very proud of her and the wonderful person she has become. (I used to secretly think she would become a nun, but I think her roles as mother, wife, and friend are so much better!). I cherish her (and her family) as part of my life. Her list made me cry.
Thanks so much for playing, Erica! As always you make my life richer just for being a part of it.


I believe that ice cream makes everything better!
I believe that people give up too easily on their marriages.
I believe that becoming a mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me and losing my mom is the worst.
I believe that nursing my children is the most selfless thing I have ever done.
I believe that I will never stray far from the Catholic church because it is where I feel closest to my mom.
I believe that sometimes I take life too seriously and I'm grateful that my husband doesn' creates balance in our little world.
I believe that receiving real mail is one of the happiest events of the day.
I believe that no one should have to wake up before 7 am!
I believe that the greatest problems we face in America are directly related to a lack of quality parenting.
I believe in Christmas music 24-7 from Thanksgiving through New Years.
I believe that it is necessary to check email and facebook multiple times a day.
I believe that playing with my girls is more important than keeping up with chores.
I believe in lifelong friendships.
I believe that you can find love in unexpected places and people.
I believe that every woman should live alone at some point in her life...just to know she can do it!I believe in dressing up for Halloween even as an adult.
I believe in always having a camera on hand to capture all of the little moments.
I believe that life is all about CHOICES!
I believe that exeriencing natural childbirth did not need to be on my life list!
I believe that one day my girls will be best friends.
I believe that fall is the best time of the year.
I believe in the power of prayer.
I believe that it's hard not to judge a book by its cover.
I believe in forgiveness and second chances.
I believe that being a stay-at-home is my dream job.
I believe that you shouldn't borrow tomorrow's troubles...easier said than done.
I believe that sometimes you have to let go of expectations in order to not be dissapointed.
I believe that the day my husband completes his masters degree will be one of the happiest days of our lives!
I believe in structure, routines, and following the rules...boring, I know!
I believe in the love and support that my friends and family show me on a daily basis!

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