Friday, January 13, 2012

don't get cocky.

Well, today the travle adventures took a serious down turn.
I was in LA for a work meeting and made detailed plans to arrive at my family Christmas this evening.
My van arrived early, so we could all enjoy lunch before long travels eastward.
I got to my terminal, got situated, grabbed some lunch and knew I had an hour or so to hammer out some emails. The airline representative announced my gate a few times, but I was absorbed in what I was doing and not watching the people around me. (and to be honest I was totally annoyed that they kept announcing the gate. I mean I knew what gate I was leaving from!) So there I sat as my plane boarded without me.
My computer ran out of juice and I quickly realized there was not one single other person in my gate. Um, whoops doesn't seem to cover it.
I rushed to the gate (cause these old lady bones don't run) and asked the gate agent if there was anything to be done. She promptly sent me to customer service, where I almost cried. I held it together to explain my situation. The man next to me gave me his french fries because he felt so bad. (so funny.) We looked at my options and there was just NO way I was getting to Grand Rapids tonight. So, we figured out my best bet and booked it.
I called the dude and explained the deal and he just laughed. (what i forgot to mention was that my flight arrangements today greatly affected the plans of the rest of my about feeling bad). I thought about driving from O'hare to the cottage and then saw it was 6 hours. Regardless of the time zone my body thinks it is, I am not interested in a 6 hour drive in the dark and snow. I have friends in Chicago. I thought about who lived close and then remembered there is a hotel at the airport. I reserved a room.
As I type the Dude is making arrangements to pick me up tomorrow morning.
As I type my luggage is headed to Chicago and will then end up in Grand Rapids. Let's hope it really does get there.

*** As as aside, as I've sat at the gate and waited for my new flight and to embark on this random adventure, a lovely woman who was listening to my conversation with mom leaned over and told me I was making the right choice to stay at hotel and reminded me that this will be a really good story one day. (Family-- you are welcome)

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