Saturday, January 21, 2012

Imagination Station

As previously mentioned, I traveled eastward for my family Christmas.
Not mentioned in all the travel ridiculousness was that my presents didn't make it. Diss.
A week before the adventure I made a special trip to the shipping store and mailed an array of gifts to my people all over for various occassions--birthdays, babies, just because. The most important was, of course, the largest box filled with my family's gifts.
I had wrapped each gift (because the dudette loves to open presents). And was excited about each present. All of them were Seattle-made/inspired and I just knew the recipient would love it and/or get a good giggle out of it.
The gift I was most excited about was a Fremont Troll Chia pet! Since the troll lives just a few blocks away I thought my dad and the dude would get a kick out of it. And it so happens they are both good with plants!
The ladies in my life got fun jewelery and other items I knew they would love.
But as I sat fuming having missed my flight, the knowledge of the lack of gifts just added serious insult to injury.
But the point of the weekend was not gift giving but time spent with one another. I knew that but was still seriously bummed that I wasn't going to be able to their faces when they opened their gifts.
So on Saturday afternoon during appetizer hour, the dude and dudette distributed their gifts in a Santa-like fashion-- out of a large bag. Mom handed out our stockings and I described the various gifts tat each person would get once they finally got the box. I just hope the use of imagination doesn't outdo the actual gifts!
Sickness aside, we did have a good time together. Played some games, enjoyed a quick stroll around the neighborhood and took a photo tour of the European vaaction.

**Tuesday papa picked up the gifts and opened the ones that were for them. The dude and dudette will get their gifts when they celebrate the dude's birthday next week. Better late than never!

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