Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Don't judge me.

As my major event of the year is approaching, I am finding myself looking for more ways to be alert for longer periods of time.
I feel like this need for sugar and caffeine is a common one among young-ish professionals in a high-stakes position. (Not that mine is really all that high-stakes.)
I know people who consume 5-hour energy drinks every 5 hours. I know people who eat M&Ms with a coke; or a coke with an ice cream (yummy!). I know people who drink those Monster drinks (yucko!), and plenty of people who drink coffee (my fav).
I used to swear by coffee with a side of sour-patch kids. Sounds gross but man it packed a sugary punch when I needed it!
I am sort of over Sour-patch kids, for now, so am looking for a pick-me-up to accompany my coffee.
Right now, my personal "drug" of choice is coffee with pumpkin-spice creamer. YUMMY!
But I am missing the zing that the sugary accompanyment brings with it.

So for now, another cup of coffee will do.
And who's going to know that I've brewed my second pot today? (Well now you, but you love me and won't judge right?)

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