Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Zings and things.

Though the title of this blog post may sound like the start to a very fun Dr. Suess book, it is not. (Though maybe that is something to think about in the future). Instead what I am referring to is a phenomenon related to a medication I take for my autoimmune disease. It is a cortesteroid called prednisone. Anyone familiar with steroids can tell you that they come with a plethora of assorted random side-affects. The major one is an apparent insatiable hunger, random rashes, a round face, and a crazy increased sense of energy. Thankfully, I have been lucky enough not to have experience with many of the above listed issues. That said, I have recently put on a few lbs (and I am none too pleased). But the rest have remained a distant thought. Doctors trhoughout the years have made efforts to get me off that medication since long-term side affects are rather unlikable, but it seems my disease always flares back up right when we've gotten to a point to make that decision about eliminating the drug or not. And every doctor has their own ideas about what should be done and waht shouldn't. My very first doctor referred to me as a "walking science experiment" because things never worked the way they should or did for other patients. Ever.
My recent moves have complicated things just a bit. But I did "fire" a doctor and change over to someone else, too. I am easy-going for a time but am smart. I do my research and know what options are out there. And have no patience if no solutions are tossed around or discussed. There are plenty of doctors out there and we all deserve the best care. I am just nmot shy about finding it!
So here I again--I have moved to a new place, which means it's time to find a new doctor.
Today I did and like the new ones before her,  she has doubts about the disease I have been diagnosed with and thus begins another round of tests, X-rays, and blood work to make sure that she's treating the right disease. I used to joke that they were making another me someplace with all this info!
Well, after talking me, poking me, checking everything out, the doc has increased my prednisone because of how swollen my joints look and feel. And thus, here come the zings!
When I am on a larger dose of prenisone, I get ZING moments. Basically it means I get serious spurts of energy. I find no negatives to this phenomenon, especially because I need it these days!

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