Monday, September 24, 2012

field trips.

I love taking field trips and taking random new adventures. Trying things I've never seen/done before.
So, when E asked me if I would accompany her to a newborn baby shoot, I didn't hesitate. Sure! That could be fun.
I arrived at their house early Saturday morning (well, early for me, they had been up for hours at their house.) E was feeding baby Samantha, Mags was playing, Granpda Tim was doing dishes. C & Lou-lou were at C's soccer game (which she doesn't like, btw. She'd rather be at practice. love.)
Anyway, all was well and we headed out the door. I drove their car, chaffeaur-style. E & Baby S were in the back, in case S got fussy. Mommas are just better at that than aunties. (And if I'm being honest, new babies sort of freak me out).
So off we went on this random adventure.
The place was about 30 minutes from their house, but it was a gorgeous day so it was lovely. Sammie was being the best baby so E and i just caught up on life. I filled her on the craziness of my week (there's always some sort of an adventure), and she talked about one week into life with three little ladies.
We followed the directions and arrived at this little cottage in the woods. At which point, E expressed just how glad she was I came with her. I'm not sure if either of us were alone that we would have continued.
We were a few minutes late and were greeted by a lovely woman, who introduced hereself and took us into the photo shoot.
OMG- it was HOT in there! 85 degrees to be exact on the first day that it was pleasant outside. But here we were ready to experience this oddity.
(The backstory on the shoot: E's friend/neighbor used this photographer for her prego belly shots and newborn shots, so knew she was looking for a one-week old baby to shoot. E would get some photos and be able to do something special for baby # 3).
That said, this was out of character for E too. We got there and the photographer was ncie enough, but didn't really talk to us. She took the baby and started to do her thing. E & I literally sat in the corner and just watched.
As we drive there, we sort of judged people that would spend that kind of money on something like this (think 1000s), but then within 15 minutes, I got it.
Then that passed, as we sat sweating, watching & listening, we were over it.
And when we left, we may have been judgey again...
So, here's a few shots from our random field trip---
The 'students' gathered around a naked baby learning about light.

Yes, that is a baby in a basket of fur!
the end result will give E some pretty unique shots of her lovely Baby Sam.
And I'm glad I could be there, just to laugh about it with her.
But it was weird.

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