Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Precious moments.

I often use this space to talk about the people I love and admire. Today is another one of those days.
Yesterday, a new addition came to my family. My cousin E had a new baby- her third. A precious bundle of joy who is named Samantha Marie.
If you keep up with this blog, you will note that I wrote of her arrival yesterday. Precious.
Well, after I wrote that post, I was able to break away for the day and go meet her on the day of her birth. I've never lived close enough to someone I am that close with to show up on the day they have had a baby. I didn't want to invade that special space on such a special occasion. But with E I felt very compelled to hug her, sneak a peek at her baby and bring ice cream.
I, of course, was very late and didn't arrive until she and Samantha were enjoying some quiet bonding time. Ever the warm welcoming party (even after being awke for 24 hours), E made room for me on the couch to share in her precious moments with the newest love of her life. I kind of felt like I was stealing a precious moment or watching moments that weren't meant to be shared. By now, I know that if I hadn't been wanted, she would just say so. (I do love when you are that close with someone and can be that frank. I am that way with the dude---no hurt feelings, just understanding on both parties. awesome.) But, she welcomed me with a warm glow-y smile. So happy to share the new love.
First, I must say she is literally meant to have babies. She seems so comfortable with the process--even what I can imagine to be, the not-so-glamorous parts. But she is a trooper. And looks amazing after giving birth. If I didn't love her, I might hate her. ;)
And I have thought for years that she is a great mom. She had an incredible example, afterall. But watching her last night, I was in awe. She was so at ease and in control and so comfortable. It was beautiful.
I didn't choke up when I met Samantha or cry when I held her in her burrito(i love that!). There was too much joy.
But as I was driving away (feeling a little weird about leaving them alone), I was suddenly overwhelmed with tears. Not sad tears, but tears of joy-- for my cousin and for me simply because I know her. Even now, recapping, tears come to my eyes. I am overwhelmed to know (and be loved by) someone so extraordinary.
I am grateful for so many people and so many relationships in my life, but the one I have with her is special. Our lives have always intertwined but taken different paths. I am so lucky that our current paths run in the same forest. I love being able to share in those secret moments and see the things untold. The really precious moments of life that you can only really share with someone nearby.
So, thanks, E for including me in your life and your precious moments.
I am so lucky to know you!

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