Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Jolly Mr. Mailman

Good tidings

Civic responsibility

Monday, December 12, 2011
back on a bus.
Anyway, I am back. And am making my repost with bus adventures. :)
I received a jury summons about a month ago and today was the day. Included with the summons was a bus pass. Now, I took the bus a few times when I first moved to Seattle. Because it's that kind of town. But I quickly learned, I am not really that kind of person. Plus, I can avoid traffic-filled times of day because I don't commute further than the local coffee shop.
So, I was trying to figure out where to park, etc and asked a friend who recently went. Parking in downtown Seattle is pricey, so she suggested the bus. I did a little more research and leanred that I could go directly from the stop a few blocks away right to the front door of the courthouse. Not too bad. (And it would be free!).
So, I checked the schedule, made a plan and headed to the bus stop at 7:15 this morning.
To be honest, I was a little nervous. But I was just a commuter. No big deal.
The bus I needed to take was packed. There was no place to move and I had to stand the whole ride to 3rd and James (25 minutes). And of course, the smelliest dude EVER chose (or was shoved) right into me and just stayed put. Sadly, I could not go anywhere further. Ugh. So I had to stand there and try desperately not to throw up.
I arrived at my destination on time and breathed a huge breath of fresh air before spending most of the sunny day inside a court building. (I'll share more about that another day...)
At day's end, back to bus I went. This time there was space on the bus. I could sit.
There was also space for everyone to have their own row.
But I appartently look warm and inviting, so the sketchiest woman on the bus sat right next to me and started to talk to me. I swear I NEVER made eye contact.
Luckily she got off the bus where the free zone ended and the rest of the commute was weirdo free.
I am impressed by the system here, but still have some reservations. I attract weirdos. Weirdos ride public transit (airplanes included). Typically whenever possible, I avoid putting myself in these situations.
But I report again tomorrow and will do the whole thing once again. We'll see if it gets any better...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
It wasn't a Halloween spider...
I went to move a pillow so I could snuggle in under the covers and there is was- a giant eat-your-face spider right in the middle of my mattress. I am not ashamed to say that I screamed.
Then ran into the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel, squished that spider and promptly had to change my sheets. And those spider sheets could not stay in my room. No way, Jose! I had to go outside to the laundry and stuff them into the washer for prompt washing in the morning.
And of course, as I walked into the laundry area, I walked into a spider web! It was dark and I had on a dark sweatshirt, so I have no idea if the spider landed on me or what. shivers...
At that point, I started to strip and threw the clothes in the same wash and ran inside to wash off any potential spiders. Blech! I really, really hope no one was watching!
I have now learned that I must actually make my bed each and everyday. At least if the bed is made, the spiders will not be on my sheets.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Disease: unknown
Let me explain.
I am not a passive person. I'm not mean, but have been told that I am direct and honest. I blame my parents. ;) Actually I don't think it's a bad thing. I mean sure I may have hurt some feelings here and there, but no permanant damage done. I'm generally nice, even in my bluntness.
This non-passive part of my personality plays a huge part in my disease-fighting adventure. And I call it an adevnture because it is ever-changing. You never know what's going to happen, so everyday is an adventure.
The latest as I have posted about previously, is that I've had what I will call some episodes that have basically flat-llined me for a day. And then again for another day. Days where I thought I could die because I hurt so much. Days where I could not function like a normal person of my age. Uncool.
I discussed those days with my current bone ologist and she didn't respond in a way that I felt was okay. Not knowing is okay. My disease is very hard to understand. And it's not just her. I have been called a walking science experiment more times than I care to admit and she referred to my stuff as just weird. Perplexing. Odd. None of those things is what a patient wants to hear, but it's my normal.
Following my last appointment, I made the choice to seek out another opinion. Someone new to look at all the bloodwork and the symptoms and my case. He has an incredible reputation and specializes in autoimmune conditions. Super!
As of today the old bone ologist is fired (the non-passive part of me). While she's nice, I found someone I like better. Whom I think may actually do a better job in my treatment.
Although no major changes were made and no definitive diagnosis was made- he gave me some options. And threw out some possibilities.
In fact today I found out that the wrinkles appearing around my eyes and forehead (thanks, papa!) are a good, good thing. If they weren't there he was headed down a rather sacry possible path. Score one for wrinkles!
He also checked out my Grandma Schulte knees and said while some of the shape may be genetic, there is actually something wrong. Something to fix.
And although he didn't have answers or solutions today, he provided the thing that has been missing for awhile: Hope.
Hope that a new medication may stop the degeneration of my bones.
Hope that someday there will be a morning I won't wake up stiff and swollen.
Hope that someday my normal will be more aligned with others my age.
It's a little word that has so much meaning. A word and feeling I am glad to have back in my life.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Six words this week.

Dr. Funk
I mean, for real. How super fun and HILARIOUS is that guy? Instantly, the day improved. Laughter came more easily and I relaxed. The good pals I was dining with were definately part of that change in perspective, but Dr. Funk definately played a role!
Dr. Funk came home with me and housed my morning coffee. It was a dreary, rainy, and dark morning today but not in my house. I had a mug with a foo-man chu! Happy Monday!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Alone at last...

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sunday Funday

Wednesday, October 12, 2011
a change of plan.
This morning I woke up to a very full list and had every intention of completing it. Well, a few things came up that changed the game. Some collegues needed some help. Which is no big thing. But the things they needed help with were some brainstorms and troubleshooting. As we discussed solutions to the issues, I found my stride. I was super happy for no real good reason. I was having fun.
In these very different conversations, I stepped back into my previous Manager role. It's been so long since I have used that part of my brain and my skills.
This sounds arrogant, but I was (am) good at that part of my job. I miss it. As I was trying to figure out why I was so happy about my "successful" day and yet still had a 2 page to-do list in front of me, I realized that kind of teamwork and trouble-shooting is what I miss in my current role. That part of my work really fulfilled something in me. It was fun.
It also helped to show me what exactly it is about my new (well as of last year) role that feels incomplete.
Today I was accomplished even if I still have a two page to-do list to tackle.
Assigned Seats?

Saturday, October 8, 2011
Under the covers

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011
Question of the week...
I am a procrastinator (as I have been for my whole life), but I thought that might change when I am paying for the class myself.
Yeah, Not so much.
I promise I had the best of intentions when I got my first assignment early last week. I have been thinking about it and making a mental plan for when I'd read that article, watch the video and write a two page paper. I started to yesterday and then totally distracted myself with some super random stuff on the internet while I was doing research....whoops! Talk about a rabbit hole. Yikes, I was bound to find Alice* somewhere in there. By the time I pulled myself out of the rabbit hole it was late and I did not feel I was at my best so I opted to put it off one more day. And here we are one day before the class and I finally did the assignment. I woke up early and was showered, dressed, and beginning to get caffinated all before the construction dudes showed up next door. I was focused and finished the assigment before my workday started at 8:30am. It's done and I actually feel good about it.
But now as I print the paper and materials I'll need for class, I am nervous.
Questions plaguing my mind--
- Where is the classroom?
- Where on earth do I park?
- How much time should I give myself to get to class? It's rushhour and I have little practice.
- what should I wear???
Of all things, the question of what to wear is nagging at me. I know it's stupid. I know no one will actually care what I arrive in. But that's what I will be nervous about.
Maybe it's because I can actually tell you what I wore on most of my other first days of school. Weird, right?
On my first day of Kindergarten, I wore an outfit that was a hand-me-down. It was purple (my favorite color) and I remember thinking I was so cool. I got to ride the bus (!) and go to school (!!). Of course, I loved school. My dad loves to share the story of how I came home and was 5-year-old pissed that I didn't have homework. He really liked to remind me of that whenever I

I attended a Catholic school for my elementary years, so I wore a school uniform for the remaining 6 first days of school. I always had a new pair of "good" (and expensive--thanks mom and papa) shoes, fancy socks and a bow that matched. My hair was always placed in pink rollers while I slept so I would wake up with "dressed-up" hair. We would lay out our school bags and new supplies the night before so we would be ready for the 7am bus pickup.
In 7th grade, we had moved and I attended a public school for the first time in my life. I got to participate in "back to school" shopping and decide what I was going to wear. My favorite outfit that year (in that school) was pegged-jeans (I cannot believe that is making a comeback, btw!), thick socks, and a horizontal striped shirt in purple and green. (Think Barney...). I thought I looked so awesome! (yikes). We moved around a bit during this timeframe, so the other first days at the new schools are a bit fuzzy. I am quite sure that other first days consisted of some sort of oversized vest and a button-down. (Give me a break...it was the Memphis/Midwest version of grunge.)
By high school, I had been in public school for a few years and had been settled in one school system for a little over a year. I knew where kids shopped and what was "cool". Starting the 9th grade, there were two first days. The very first "first" day was only 9th graders. I think it eased us in. And the second day was with everyone. I OBSESSED over what I was going to wear on both days. I am pretty sure I had it planned out for weeks. I wore a sunflower t-shirt and brown jeans (they matched the inside of the sunflower...oh yeah!) for the 9th-grade only first day of school. I had insanely long hair at the time so made sure to have a scrunchie that matched! And for the forst day of school with everyone I wore jeans and a tie-dye t-shirt. I still own (and wear) that tie-dye.
I am not 100% sure of what I wore the remaining first days of high school, but am pretty sure one day was a borrowed plaid shirt from my dad that he didn't know about until he tried to get dressed for work (thanks, papa). Likely a sports uniform was in the mix, and probably a pair of overalls worn with birkenstocks and wool socks. (Yep, super cool...)

By the time I got to college, I was in my hippe phase of life. My mom sent me away to college and reminded me that I should wash my jeans at least once a week. Showering was not neccessarily a daily habit. And I LOVED overalls. :)
My roommate (Joann Van) and I actually took a photo on the first day of class. I was full of oversized, grey school spirit.
After that trip down memory lane, whatever I wear on my first back to school will be an improvement!
*Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Get it? Because she follows the rabbit down the hole and a whole array of craziness ensues.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Not your average bear

"What's for breakfast?" said Pooh. "What do you say, Piglet?"
"I say, I wonder what's going to happen exciting today?" said Piglet.
Pooh nodded thoughtfully.
"It's the same thing," he said
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
One Hundred!

Yikes and Yippee!

Monday, September 26, 2011
Love is a Subaru

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Sneaky Pete!

Sunday, September 11, 2011
What's in a Name?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011
City Love- part 2
Per usual, today it was both.
I drove around the same block 6 times while trying to find the building I was going to and then trying to find parking in the same area. The ladies waiting at the bus stop waved at me the 3rd, 4th, and 5th times I circled. By the 6th, I felt like I should say stop and say hello. Perhaps make some new friends! But I found the spot and got down to business.
After I picked stuff up, I headed for home. Due to a wrong turn (whoops! sometimes I am still "new"), I ended up driving near the Pike's Place Market. And there was parking right near the entrance. Soooo, of course I stopped! (How could I not? It was as though it was meant to be.)
I popped into the market and partook in all of the loveliness that Seattle has to offer---
$5 boquets of flowers, fresh local strawberries and of course, a Starbucks iced passion tea (my latest addiction!).
Best detour ever!
And yet one more reason why I love where I live.
I mean, where else could I pick up that kind of loveliness for less than $20?
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Fun with water!
As I have aged, the pool has become a tool to keep my joints moving and grooving. The water (or lack thereof) was a huge factor in why I always knew Arizona couldn't be a permanant home for me. I crave it.
I love Seattle for many things, but love it most for the closeness of water and the pure joy it brings to my heart.
On Sunday, I was lucky and I got to play in the Sound with my friends Emily and Kaisa. I love being in the water. I also love watching little kids play in the water. They make it so much more fun!
Here's a little video of our time---
Just listen to her squeals and it's hard not to join in the fun!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
City love!

Friday, September 2, 2011
Cheers to new adventures!

I do not like it.
Today I woke up after a fitful night of sleep and felt as bad as I have felt in 6 years. I swear I was back to before I even knew what was wrong with me. Ugh.
I hurt everywhere- my back, my bones. I swear even my hair hurt.
Normally, I am achy on a daily basis, but I don't hurt. I can tolerate achy.
Hurt is hard to tolerate. Hurt I don't like. Hurt makes me crabby. Hurt interrupts my normal life. I DON'T LIKE IT!
Hurt reminds me that I have a disease that no one understands.
That likely I will need assistance of some kind earlier than most as I age.
That my diseases(s) are always there, even if I don't want to believe it or acknowledge it.
That my disease continues to evolve and affect different parts of my being.
Hurt reminds me that I am sick.
Admitting this is something I also do not like.
I want to believe I am normal. And do, most of the time.
The last six months have been testing this mindset like I have never been tested before. I am much more aware of the changes and challenges of having this disease (and if I'm being honest, a disability.)
Whether people admit it or not, I know they make accomodations for me. And while I appreciate their thoughfulness, I hate that it has to happen. I hate that someone might need to think about trusting me to help with a project. That they can't just call and make the ask. (I mean, I guess it gets me out of the heavy lifing, but I'd gladly make that trade!)
I hate that I have to think about whether or not I have a place to sit on the beach or in the park. I can make jokes to ease the situation, but it still sucks that I even have to think about it.
That has just become part of the routine of life. Life is life and it moves along. You make accomodations to make it work. So it does.
But unlike other times, ths time the hurt really hurts. It affected my ability to do my job. It affected my ability to be an indepentdent adult. I considered calling my dad to come and just be around because I got scared that I wouldn't be able to live a normal life if I hurt this much. I don't like it. Actually, I hate it.
But on the flipside, I am ever-more grateful to work at a place that can allow me to take a day and take some rest (I have never done that before). I am ever-more grateful for the support and love from friends, family, and co-workers.
And I am especially grateful for my (though sometimes annoying) perpetual optimism.
The silver-lining default mode makes even a bad day tolerable. And that I like.
This is for the birds.

Brace Face for Life!
Okay, okay. So maybe the title of this email is an exaggeration and a bit dramatic, but that's exavctly how it feels. And if I am in 7th grade then I'm going to act like it (just a little) and be dramatic and whine.
I went to the orthodontist today with the hopes that this would be it. The last official appointment before the braces come off. Wrong. Again.
His stated- "end of summer" prediction was off. Way off, in fact. In no calendar or mind that I am aware is October the "end of summer". In fact, I am quite sure that is actually full blown fall. In my world that is when leaves are "on fire" in the midwest and new england, when the temps finally fall below 98 in Phoenix, and when I can't keep windows open all the time in Seattle. It's fall. Not summer.
And for me this year, October is the start to a new school year. My first day of school since I was in college. In fact, it is edging on almost 8 years since I have had a first day of class (whoa!). And I really didn't want to start the first day of school with braces. Dang!
He promises that I will be brace-free before my first day of school, but I am not going to hold my breath. I think I'd suffocate.
Home Sweet Home

Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Mexicans got it right

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Coffee Talk
I am currently on the surface of the sun (or Phoenix) and needed to work from a coffee place to get some caffeine and organize my route ideas before heading out on the road to make an amazing route.
Of course in my grand tradition of coffee location experiences, I found a seat next to a "Chatty" table. Normally, I have the ability to tune out these chats while I am working. In fact, that seems to help me focus. (I think it's because I did my homework at the kitchen table as a kid.). Anyway, today, I found the only available plug next to the chattiest of chatty tables! The women seated there were clearly working on something. As I listened, they were too loud to ignore. I realzied they were planning a 5K walk of some kind. My interest was peaked.
And as I continued to listen, my heart rate picked up and my level of annoyance became "grated". The woman who was the chairperson literally had NO clue what she was talking about. And my inner control-freak wanted to make a full appearance. It took everything in me, not to interject and tell her exactly what she should be doing.
As my blood pressure reached high, I decided I needed to relocate before just shouting at the woman....
Maybe I need to lay off the caffeine. Yikes!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
My weekend

and good friends.
Friday, August 12, 2011
I don't get it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A Cardi saves the day!

Friday, July 29, 2011
And just like that...

Thursday, July 28, 2011
July? Where did you go?
Um, what?
It is three days before the first of August. Ugh.
Seriously, what happened to July?!
Not only am I shocked because that means I am traveling again on Monday (dang, three weeks flew by!), but it means that the insanity of my event season is about to begin. To be honest, it kind of already has.
I was talking with some friends yesterday (who are all in the event world) and we discussed how much we miss summer. While we are seemingly busier than most during the summer months (because let's be honest, when else can you host a series of events without snow?). In truthfulness, our season lasts until the start to the holiday season. So really we miss the end of summer and all of fall.
More than anything it made me wonder if missing summer has more to do with being a grown-up than with our actual jobs. Aside from teachers, no other professional I know still gets summer break. We all take vacations but don't get a full month or two months away from work. Now, I am not saying that doesn't make sense. It does. I cannot imagine being in a classroom filled with kiddos ALL day for over 200 days of the year. That is exhausting! I am wiped after spending a full day with one (maybe two) of my munchkins. It's the best day, but tiring.
So, my conclusion on that topic of summers lost is that it's just one more notch on the belt of age that sometimes beats you.
No more summer break.
Time literally flies by.
Oh, and you get wrinkles! (diss!)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
quotable quotes

Sunday, July 24, 2011
It's official.

Friday, July 22, 2011
It's a toughy...

Monday, July 18, 2011
Random thoughts...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Through the eyes of a child.
Not a word air travelers enjoy hearing, but it is all part of the experience.
On my recent air flight, the pilot came on before we even took off and made an announcment similar to the following: "Hello Passengers. Please be prepared for the following 2 hours of your flight. Buckle up! Cause it's gonna be a doozie! If you feel the need, pray to the god of your choice and make amends. And remember flight attendants also need to remain seated so they won't fly into your laps or hit their heads on the ceiling. We'll do our best to make it less bumpy, but we're not miracle workers. Thanks for flying with us today. Hope to see you on the other side."
okay- so maybe this is slightly off and exaggerated for a little humos...but that is how it felt. And no one was freaking out more than the family behind me and the people next to me. Oh! and the old man in front of me. Ok- I am actually quite certain that entire plane was a little anxious. The flight attendants battened down the hatches and we were off! (Belted in, of course.)
We took off and got smoothly in flight. The ding! for electronics went off and still smooth sails. I plugged into my iPod and swiftly fell asleep (it was 7:45am and I hadn't slept well the night before). I slept soundly....that is until I literally woke up because I thought someone was shaking me awake. Nope, it was everyone shaking on the plane. The turbulance was SO bad that it actually woke me up from a deep slumber! Well, once awake there was no going back to sleep, so I was awake and aware of the bumps and dives. I couldn't read, so I listened to passengers around me. Now, while uncomfortable, I did not fear we wouldn't make it. I didn't worry that we wouldn't land. I wasn't fearful for my life, but others were. (drama...)
But then I heard a giggle. Not a sound usually paired with worry or panic.
The giggle; giggles, I should say, were coming from the girls behind me. They were first time flyers and were nervous from the start. But when the bumps and dives shook them and bonk'ed them together, they giggled. Not a nervous giggle, but a giggle filled with pure delight. They thought it was fun! One even said, "Daddy! I love airplanes! They're just like roller coasters only cozier!"
Only though the eyes of a child. :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Yes! Michigan