Thursday, October 18, 2012

Another one bites the dust!

dun...dun...dun...another one bites the dust. dun..dun...dun...
(now try and read this blog without that song in yuor head. I dare you!)

Yep, another one bites the dust. Another doctor that is.
I have been here for a little over 4 months and started to establish care with a rheumatologist. I was excited about her. She seemed willing and able to make decisions with me about the right way to go forward with my care. But she has failed. Utterly and completely.
I am one to give second chances (and third or fourth), but in this case I have already reached my limit.
In the doctor patient relationship, there are few guidelines that I feel are very important. The doctor must listen. The patient must listen. The patient must ask questions and be engaged in his/her care and treatment. The doctor must arm the patient with information and some time (when ok) to make decisions about the direction of their care. The patient must take the medications agreed to and discuss concerns with the doctor so they can be addressed (when needed). The pateint must do the "homework" requested by the doctor, so the doctor can make further educated decisions about the care. Communication is essential in all of this.
My new (now fired) doctor did well until right before my second appt (the important follow-up one). I did my part and did all of the tests she asked (during the busiest time of my life, I must add!) and I carved out time for my appointment. I was running late (only 5 minutes due to a parking deal) and got a call from her office just as I was pulling into the lot. Surely they were calling to see where I was, so i immediately apologized and said I would be right in. They then informed me the doctor was ill, so would need to reschedule. Um, I totally get that people get sick (even doctors), but come on. You really didn't know that you wouldn't be able to see patients until 8:35am. I find that very hard to believe. Stike one.  But I rescheduled and asked that when she was back in the office to call me and discuss my test results. Yeah, she called (5 days later) and asked me to come in. So I did. And she wasn't there!
Strike two. (and I start to reconsider this situation, but am frankly too busy (and maybe a little lazy) to worry about it).
Then this week, my appointment got cancelled. The doctor was having a baby. (good reason. no problem!) But I needed a medication refilled and no one else in the office could sign for it. Only the doctor who was in the middle of giving birth. Um. not okay.
A baby takes 9 months to grow, you have a little time to make a backup plan (sense the sarcasm). Needless to say, I was pissed.
I told nurse I was completely out of the prescription and had zero refills. She had no idea what to do. And was so super rude that I said I needed to go and I would call back. In the meantime, I worked with the amazing staff at Walgreens and they filled an emergency prescription as I stood crying at their counter. I felt awful (and stupid and embarassed). I wasn't crying because I was upset with them. I was crying because I was so fricking frustrated. It is not an easy deal to change doctors and reestablish care with a new one. It is not easy to change medications. Change pharmacies, etc. And I wasn't looking for someone to do it for me or to make the process less steps. But I was hoping for the support a doctor's office should provide. A refill in 2 days. Answers when you ask who will see you while your doctor is out having a baby. Not major things. At least in my opinion.
I have to have a backup plan for everything in my job. It's just part of the plan. And anyone else that has a baby and a job has to work out a "while you're out" plan. So why the office didn't have anything in place is beyond me. And it baffles and infuritaes me.
So, I found a new doctor. And fired the old one.
Well, actually I should rephrase. I am in the process. I found a new office that is accepting patients and accepts my insurance. They have all my records (all 700 pages!) and will review it to see if they will be the right fit for me. Once they review, if I fit into their clinic they'll make an appointment. If not, they'll suggest doctors who will best fit my needs.
So, while I am annoyed about the process with the new (now fired) doctor, I think this worked out the best way possible. In the end, I am hopeful that this will result in some good things. And in the best fit for me.
Fingers crossed.

(So, did you sing the song the whole time you were reading? :) )

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