Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chubby bunny.

So in the last few months (well, two), anytime I look in the mirror I see an added roundness to my features. My face, especially. But my clothes are fitting a little differently too (read: snugger). I attributed it to the upped dosage of prednisone. It has a tendency to "round" me out a little bit. Just one of the lovely side effects.
Since I can now breathe and live instead of simply existing, I decided I should really check out the deal and got out the scale. UM, YEAH.....
I gained 10 lbs in two months! Really?!
SO not cool.

A few years ago a friend referred to me as the incredible skrinking woman because I just inexplicibly lost a whole bunch of weight (it was weird, but amazing at the same time!). The doctors had some concerns because it was coming off pretty quickly really for NO reason. I hadnt changed up a thing and was frankly eating less healthfully than I ever had before, but there it was on the scale every few weeks-- down another 5 lbs. Then it seemed to regulate itself and stayed in the range for a few years. Slowly it has creeped up a little, but I had braces (which made eating annoying), so it stayed the same. And then apparently, the reverse has now happened. No real changes to my diet, but here I am way heavier than I'd like to be (and should be.). Ugh.  Though it probably wasn't healthy, I am secretly wishful to become the incredible shrinking woman again....

Obviously, that is not going to happen. So with my newly found freetime, I will be cooking at home, not eating junk and moving more. I absolutely refuse to buy new clothes and currently I have a very limited selection based on the tighness factor. (Thumbs down.)

No more chubby bunnies around this place!

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