Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricanes and snowstorms--oh my!

Well, here I am in a new city and already I'm experiencing a new weather phenonenon. A Hurricane!
In all the places I've lived, I've never worried about such things. I've been in haboobs, extreme heat, below zero temps, floods, earthquakes (well only a minor one), tornadoes, and then just your run of the mill weather patterns. But never a hurricane. And really, it's not so much a direct hit from the hurricane (i'm not fancy nough to live near the water) but rather the after-effects. The wind and the slow, steady, driving rains.
Based on the media predictions, I should be headed for higher ground! Or rather drier ground.
The concerns are over loss of power for many days. And maybe for some flooding.
Maybe it's the midwesterner in me, but I'm not super worried. I am prepared and ready for what may come, but I'm no where near panicky. Not even close.
I had a small moment of worry when my mama sent a text yesterday that stated "papa says come home". That made me feel like I needed to worry. (It wasn't totally true as it turns out...silly mama!) Otherwise, I made sure to have a flashlight (I got the last one at the store...), candles, a lighter and warm clothes. I also stocked up on some food to make without the use of a stove and fresh water. I made sure to have a fully gased car and grabbed some cash yesterday. I feel as ready as I can be.
I also made sure I had a few good books and magazines for if the power goes out and I need entertainment.
I am sure there are others who will disagree about my preparedness, but I feel okay about it.
And we'll see what happens.

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