Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Not my favorite.

I am officially the coolest kid I know. Or not.
I had to miss the gala on Friday (and some of my favorite people to boot!).
I worked until the wee hours of Saturday morning and then had to wake up and have my least favorite day of my work life. Always has been. And I feel like it always will be.
One of the events I work is doable because of a group of people who volunteer and pay to work for the whole weekend in support of the other participants. Awesome. (really)
Unfortunately, many of that group have been doing it for years and have become jaded, crabby and entitled if I'm being frank. Part of my job is to show them the event I've worked to create and share the details and info so these people can do their job. Doesn't sound too bad, but it's awful.
By the end of the day, I leave and feel completely and totally beat-up. Even in a perfect scenario they find fault. And human-nature dictates that they want what's best for them. They miss the big picture.
I realize it's not their job to see it, it's mine. I also recognize they are volunteers and I get paid. That said, they choose this (as do I) and if they are that unhappy--find another event. Harsh, but true.

I like people. I like to discuss things with people. But I really do not like this day of my job. I am stuck in the car for 3-4 hours, answering questions. Answering questions. Oh and answering questions.
I literally had to scold a group of adults, as though they were six-year-olds and say-- "when I talk, you need to stop talking" because they weren't getting the important info. They were instead discussing the things they were concerned about-- that they might not get to return next year and other drama.
In the end, we spent 9 hours (yes, 9!!!), in the car driving a 55 mile route.
By the day's end I was crabby. They were crabby.
Everyone was toast.
And thus solidified that as my least favorite part of my job.
But, I guess if that's as rough as it gets, then it's really not that bad.

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